Ginger sex-pest Louis CK braves the abuse and insults from strangers in the street to pick up some peanut butter.

90  2018-05-10 by JustPooch


that poor doggie has to watch him jo

Nah, that’s a Longhaired Mexican Cum Shepherd. They were bred essentially to be jizzrags.

Lemme see ya dyick myan

Even his dog is a faggot.


you're generally gay.

Oi bruv id call u a name if it didnt cost me 4000 pounds

That dog is actually black but it’s caked in Louie’s jizz.

Nice old jew woman dog, stupid.

Nice L.L. Bean catalog stupid

Louie Bean!

Ladies Love Beans!

Mailman pants.

Güero Bulger

Dadpants and Mrs. Maloonigans

I need a Louie comeback, just not as a pretentious tie wearing faggot

back, stomach, chest, leg. wherever he decides.

Nice purse Faggot! I guess if you have the money to live in Manhattan you have the money to dress like you live in a affluent German village. I also image this man enjoys the unwatchable porn they make in the Krauhtland.

"Ginger sex-pest" Ha

read about Charlie Rose if you get a kick off this shit. talk about having ur life turned upside down

So do you guys want Louie back? Or do you want the feminists who destroyed him to win?

Whichever is funnier.

Which ever makes more people angry, for me personally.

That would be him coming back hard and immediately selling out Madison Square Garden for a whole month.

haha. HR at Jezebel would make drinking at work ok that month. Fucking babies.

this is why we'll always be the voice of reason

I want him to go on Opie's show to enrage Jim.

Feminists. They are less cunty than Louie.

Cuck King

There's definitely a hole in that pocket

What is he trying to out-embarrass himself?

People who wear hats for fashion are faggots

Going to a game is for faggots too you faggot.

Fuck off baseball games are great

Why don't you go to a mets game with Bobo then ya tard?


Louis CK and Amy Shumer and beta male feminist comics are all in the same rings of hell for me

He looks so normal but now we know the dog is just a useful prop to coerce naive young women back to his jack-off dungeon.

His dog looks like a faggot

Did he leave that red piece of cloth there on purpose?

He is still the best! Looking forward to see him come back

Why don't you go to a mets game with Bobo then ya tard?