Do Not Go-Lightly Into That Dark Bite

53  2018-05-10 by Christopher_Barton


Bit of a stretch

dylan thomas why not dylan matthew and mark too or sumthin

I know two girls who said another prominent lawyer in Vegas “ALLEGEDLY” paid them for their thongs and for sexual favors lol. ASK google some people are being sued for reporting a similar story

Please tell me it's the Heavy Hitter or Bernstein.

I can’t say! U can ASK google . Think about it Think about it

Ole pear-shaped Adam Kutner!!!!

It's not Jack Bernstein, he seems like he prefers male companionship if you know what I mean.

I'm not familiar with Jack, I was talking about Ed. Either way, it's Adam Kutner, who definitely looks like someone who buys and sniffs panties.

Jack is Ed's son. Yeah, Adam Kutner is a creepy looking little fuck.

Jesus, I had no idea there was another Bernstein in the pipeline. Slimey fucks. I always heard Ed had a poneytail in the back despite the bald top, but I've never gotten the chance to see him. The only local Vegas commercial celebrity I've seen is John Barr.

Do not go-lightly into that dark bite Old age should burn and rage, tweeting at night

"Rage, rage against the white"- Anthony "Still Hilarious" Cumia

I can't call the number, someone tore the landlines out of the walls.

Did he also stomp on your hand and kicked your ribs and break one when you tried to call from your cell phone?

Lemme try an find his ex employees reviews

There's gotta be six of these billboards on the way from Henderson to the Las Vegas Airport

“Have you or your family been the victim of a Corsican pedophile attack?”