Artie will pass away this week

40  2018-05-10 by peopleforgetthat

from an inside source


Pre-sentencing OD? All in

Downvote all you want, but he ODed a little while ago tonight. So just wanted to give you all the exclusive

Big Jay mentioned to Dice today on Bonfire "We're all pulling for Artie", whatever that means.

Don’t know what that means but my brother is a paramedic in Jersey and called to say he picked up Artie

More info please

His next gig was with Bob Levy in Scranton. So probably another suicide attempt.

Someone posted an insanely depressing picture of Bob Levy doing stand up for like 6 people in a banquet hall and I wish I could find it again. Way worse than the lonely Jackie one.


My condolences amirite fellas?

IIIIII’m just a Jersey boy....

Pickle jar?

What happened?

Artie has aids, hence the weight loss.

What was the emergency

His career is dead

He's loying. It was just a homeless old fat lady with no teeth.

My uncle is a cable installation guy and he he said he saw it happen.

I’ve ALWAYS loved Artie! I can’t believe this is happening to meeeee.

(I’m just wanting to get some of the upcoming attention for myself)

I downvoted this solely because it has the vibe of the -100 club.

I can’t wait for dead Artie jokes

I was waiting for “he’ll die of laughter while he watches Rich Vos perform at Magooby’s Joke House on May 10th”

Were ya?

Nice show reference, stupid.

April Fools... But seriously I can't wait.

Maybe this will be the time he truly dies.

He's native American

Dat nigga brane ded yet? Shiiiiit

No one will have any AA highlights worth playing when reporting on it unless it's to show his "sad last days".

Every AA Show is a highlights show, same stories and "jokes" most episodes

How inside is this inside source?

OP is friends with heroin

Fuck, and here I thought he was too obvious to put in my Death Pool...


"Hey Death, it's me Artie. I'm not gonna be able to make it to the reaping today. I can't stop throwing up. I'm sick, sick as a dog..."


I don't know you. Only my cousin works here.

He won't even have a cool OD story like Belushi or River Phoenix, it'll be something like "former HSS comedian Artie Lange was found dead in his parking garage" or "Lange's life support was removed the following day". Then after a few days of looking back on his limited career highlights, everyone will gawk and reflect on what a ridiculous freak show he became. He'll be mostly remembered as "that fat heroin guy" if and when he's remembered at all.

Look up Chris farleys od shot. Looks like artie.

Except with Artie there won't even be an opportunistic hooker around to snap pics and steal his shit. He will die as he lived, a pathetic disheveled loser surrounded by empty heroin bags and half-eaten meatball sandwiches.

Fucking Saigon whores.

And neither Anthony nor Compound Media will be mentioned at all.

I downvoted this solely because it has the vibe of the -100 club.

Except with Artie there won't even be an opportunistic hooker around to snap pics and steal his shit. He will die as he lived, a pathetic disheveled loser surrounded by empty heroin bags and half-eaten meatball sandwiches.

Fucking Saigon whores.