If Lincoln only knew THIS would be the end result of the emancipation proclamation

54  2018-05-09 by bonniesretardsister


"I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality."

-Anthony Cumia


Who actually said that?

Lincoln. Slavery was the WMDs of the civil war, an excuse essentially.

I feel like if he said that we would have been taught that in school, right? Also don’t people usually get lamented when they say the civil war was about states rights instead of slavery?

The conspiracy theorist in me has to believe there's a reason you don't learn about any of the interesting things in school.

A whole month for "black history" but never heard shit about Civil rights other than they marched one time and half of the first sentence of MLKs speech. No Malcolm X, no talk of how half of dems were against it and somehow 100% of repubs were for it. Even the crazy shit happening everywhere else. The Berlin wall is even more crazy than our civil rights era

But the Rationalists in us can all agree, it's because the majority of teachers are dumb women. They're not dumb because they're women, but they are women who are dumb.

Ya had me. Oh boy did you have me. I was your soulmate. And then:

They're not dumb because they're women,

Jesus Christ, you're so close. It's like you're blaming the Roos.

It's the same reason you won't hear a damn thing about all the communist bombings in the US during the late 60's and early 70's. The violent radical leftist groups that had free reign on college campuses for years have been removed from polite discussion, and instead MLK, non-violent protests, marching, and participation in the democratic process are all cited as reasons why this country has seen so much "progress" in the past 50 years.

This is the same reason those idiot Proud Boys and every other gay "cool-servative" movement will fail, because they're operating under a false premise, that peaceful protests actually work.

When you own the colleges and the whole education system, you get to re-write your side as the peaceful, non-violent heroes who outlasted the government in a war of attrition. As a result, you trap your opponents in a battle they cannot win, organizing meaningless boycotts of brands, and encouraging non-violent live streaming Twitter protests and "free speech" events.

i only learned about how bad the bombings and arson was like a year ago. still don't understand how this isn't popular knowledge. look at the ethnicities of the leaders of those groups, the surnames on the list reads like the 1917 revolution.

Aren’t the republicans of them the democrats now though? I hear that a lot too when people say republicans ended slavery.

how is it a conspriacy? it's a narrative pushed and they cherrypick to push it. it's right there in any public middle/highschool txtbook to look at

The secession of the would-be Confederate states was without a doubt mainly motivated by slavery, or their fear that the free states would eventually overpower them, politically, and end it. During tge antebellum years slavery was the hot topic, especially in the slave states. New territories were deliberately fought to become slave states, John Brown and others rebelling, finaced by Northern abolitionist philanthropists, Congressmen hitting each other to near-death with a cane, etc. Slavery was the main issue of the election, and the initial seceeding states all mentioned slavery as the main or only reason.

Now, it arguably was not the cause of the war. That was done to preserve the Union ("If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it;"). Slavery was the main cause for secession, secession was the main cause for the war.

Honest Abe

So that's where the name comes from

He’s right, but what does it matter. The Civil War was still fought and we’re still left dealing with the after effects. If he saw the state of the US now, he‘d probably disband the Union armies over night.

FACT: British men of ww2 fought for the rights of north african and pakistani men to rape their great granddaughters without being punished

cqme to post this

I came when he posted this.

Artie had to snort a bunch of drugs to get a nose like that.

That’s as close to a $5 bill he will ever get

Just emancipatin' and fuckin'.

Do the wokes still like old honest Abe?

Yeah cause he was a fruit.

“Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.” -Abraham Lincoln

"FUCKING BEHAVE!" - Anthony Cumia

“You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry.” -A.L.

"Look at what the negroes did now!" - A.C.

“Where the fuck is my gun? Fuckk

“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” -A.L.

"Yo, dis mofucka rippin' off Bob Marley and shit." S.S.

LMFAO That got me.

How'd he close his lips around that tongue finally?

Great, another Brother Joe thread.

He got the "pneumonia" from bad child spit.

Wow, Mr. T looks like shit.

Nice cap,Black.



Lincoln also supported sending them back to themother land

The south actually won the civil war by having a powerful biological weapon known as 'niggers' unleashed on the north en masse


I don't listen to hip-hop, son

The conspiracy theorist in me has to believe there's a reason you don't learn about any of the interesting things in school.

A whole month for "black history" but never heard shit about Civil rights other than they marched one time and half of the first sentence of MLKs speech. No Malcolm X, no talk of how half of dems were against it and somehow 100% of repubs were for it. Even the crazy shit happening everywhere else. The Berlin wall is even more crazy than our civil rights era

But the Rationalists in us can all agree, it's because the majority of teachers are dumb women. They're not dumb because they're women, but they are women who are dumb.

The secession of the would-be Confederate states was without a doubt mainly motivated by slavery, or their fear that the free states would eventually overpower them, politically, and end it. During tge antebellum years slavery was the hot topic, especially in the slave states. New territories were deliberately fought to become slave states, John Brown and others rebelling, finaced by Northern abolitionist philanthropists, Congressmen hitting each other to near-death with a cane, etc. Slavery was the main issue of the election, and the initial seceeding states all mentioned slavery as the main or only reason.

Now, it arguably was not the cause of the war. That was done to preserve the Union ("If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it;"). Slavery was the main cause for secession, secession was the main cause for the war.