HOT TAKE: Opie's YouTube Show > Opie's Podcast

2  2018-05-09 by OpiesInnerCircle

Seriously, I can listen/watch his YouTube show and it, at least, holds my attention. This podcast is an abomination. Why not just stay with YouTube & build on that?!?!?


ME: I'm figuring it out.

Surely Westwood One’s other hit podcasts are exclusive to Westwood One...

It's the same shitty void of pointlessness, but one has video and the other doesn't.

Why are they paying him to give us an inferior product?

Are they even paying him?

You can't build on a few thousand YouTube watchers. He's done.

Hot Take: A shit on Opie


It's probably an attempt to convince himself that he can at least do what everybody else is. Everyone everywhere is involved with podcasting. There's a voice in his head saying "the haters are right, you're worse than literally everyone" and he wants to counter it even if he has to fake a positive response the way he bought most of his twitter followers.

It’s not that bad