As terrible as he is, Carl was the best part of the Opie Podcast

9  2018-05-09 by LOSfan

He entertains all of Opie's dumbass quips and tries to go along with everything. If he was actually paired with someone funny instead of Opie it would've been alright


You need to reconsider your continued existence. That's like saying there is a best turd in the bowl.

1st place at the Special Olympics

No. Fuck you. Wrong. Now correct this mistake with a shotgun.

So what was the best part? If you had to pick something.

Any moment in history before the release of this, because then this garbage did not exist.

Opie steer the ship.

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I quite enjoyed the commercial break 20 minutes in. Even with his Bell’s Palsy, Jim Ross enunciates better than Dopie.

Your brain doesn't work right

If Carl did a 180 and just ragged on Opie for a whole episode to the point of blowing up their friendship I'd respect him.

Stop complimenting Carl Ruiz. He's an irredeemable fool.

What did his hat and shirt say?