Opie's shitty podcast is more listenable than A&A

20  2018-05-09 by UhLookHereMan

How's that feel, fucker


I have to agree , both are awful but I’d rather listen to tits talk about not enjoying stout beer than hear about blacks , the sopranos , Colombo , and excuses to why Artie isn’t there.

Exactly. I'm 33 mins in and I haven't bailed yet. It's not funny at all but the whole thing is far less embarrassing than Anthony's failure of a show/network.



Good one.

Artie has hay fever today

We live in a world where all Opie has to do is not be a complete disaster and he'd have a better show than Jim and Anthony. Sad!

So it's a victory for The Opester by default. But it looks like Sherrod will be on Episode 3, so this may change.

Don't forget about Sam

everyone should forget about sam. fuck sam.

Dassabesso just podcast is and shit

I listened to Opie’s entire show. Haven’t listened to an entire AA or J&S in months.

I like how a lot of people liked the plan to praise Opie's new podcast no matter what so that it would piss Ant off, but after hearing just 1 episode nobody could do it and we settled on "they're both shit but AA is worse".

Opie is hanging out with a person he likes talking about dumb shit he wants to talk about - Anthony is hanging out with a fat heroin addict he hired for name recognition, talking about minutes dictated by the news and twitter.

Yeah, god help me the conversation between Opie and Carl was actually flowing pretty naturally

I subscribed. It's certainly nothing I'll be waiting on pins and needles for each episode, but it will ably occupy a couple of my awful commutes each week.

I refuse to forget how horrible opie is.

I think you're loying.

ib dot. Anthony's faggot unemployed boyfriends are downvoting everything here though

This story's already bullshit.

no it isn't. Opie a talentless hack, who has zero self awareness.

HA HA HA HOLY SHIT. It's a very difficult situ-ATION

_____ is a talentless hack, who has zero self awareness.

This statement could be applied to anyone discussed on this sub besides Colin Quinn.

Den Shen

So is Anthony and he's also a pedophile.

_____ is a talentless hack, who has zero self awareness.

This statement could be applied to anyone discussed on this sub besides Colin Quin

Not really. I couldn't get past Opie parking on Carl's lawn. What was that, 2 minutes in?

No, it lacked black crime stats and 40 year old movie quotes

The only thing worse than an unfunny person is an unfunny person with a mission who “stands for something,” so unfortunately Opie wins.


Opie's new show is a national treasure compared to the drivel that Child Porn Media company Anthony cumia runs distributes.

Im willing to bet cp media is a shell for a child sex ring anyway, some pizza gate shit. That fucking ghoul.

Anthony is funny, Opie isn’t. That’s the discussion , don’t bring your speculation into it.

Ok get Anthony to be funny again

He's STILL hilarious!

When Anthony first said that, the look on Ron's face was priceless.

Not funnier but more entertaining

He is

Zero is not more than zero.

Opie rules. Anthony drools. Right, guys?