Baby boy is ENRRAAGEEED his eggs aren't there at 9am on the dot. He is willing to dip into his funds (60k) for more luxurious service though. *INCESSANT FACIAL TWITCHING*

78  2018-05-09 by RapistWithHIV


It then evolves into an extremely thought provoking & insightful discussion on "What is your favourite sandwich & why?"

Sardine and onion sandwich, it's one of the all-time classic treats.

With a raw potato as a side.

Jim's farts would make Zyklon-B seem like febreeze if he ate that.

Ah, a Bennington Show staple.

If you get a philly cheese steak you godda go to- who gives a fuck. Without a mental patient to abuse Ron is a hack.

Sam's lame Snickers commercial reference gets no reaction from anyone, as it should.

Ron just looked away from him like he hadn't said anything.

Time stamp please i pawned my only PC to donate to the chip cartoon.

It's right at the beginning.

How bout you bring some in you incapable bkinking, twitching faggot

There is no reason why these fuckers have to eat on air. Most of their day is spent at their leisure.

Exactly. It's only 3 hours. It should truly be the only three hours of their day when they the don't eat a meal. There is 21 other hours that are perfectly acceptable to eat

All I need, personally, is a container of coffee before I punch in at the job site

there is nothing enjoyable about this show anymore.


When was it enjoyable.

It was OK for the first month or so. There was the Nancy grace thing, and I kind of remember some vaguely amusing "trav-dog" stuff.

Oh the Teft shit?

Teff đŸ¶đŸ¶ bark bark!!

That was some cringy shit

wered da cheese go xDD

The blinking is the most annoying thing about Jim for me. Has nobody tried slapping it out of him? I would go out of my way to avoid somebody like that.

Jim is a turbo faggot when it comes to his eating habits.

He was whining about his eggs coming with BACON last week. You need some fucking meat on that AIDS-body of yours, Jim. Egg Whites are dead neutritionwise and for 50s housewives.

Eat the whole fucking egg, you fruit!

Eggs have too much sugar in them

So what if there's bacon? Is not eating the bacon not an option? Give it to someone else or put it in the trash.

Or fucking eat it like a man! Jesus, why am I even bargaining with this twiggy queer?

The bacon vapors might have infused the eggs with an additional 1/100 of a calorie. That adds up over time.

Eggs have recently been proven not to have any effect on your cholesterol. In fact, researchers are finding that cholesterol is more effected by lazy lifestyle and inactivity working in hand with the shit food you consume. Jim knows nothing about nutrition or healthy lifestyle.

Jim knows nothing

Imagine that...

CrossFit worm effeminate faggots don't understand bacon is healthy for men. Eating fat instead of carbs boosts testosterone which makes you muscular and not fat. People used to eat bacon and eggs and grease and they didn't look like shrivelled up works but men back in the day

Aren't egg whites available in cartons? Just pour it in a glass and drink it. Or does he have a problem with it being a liquid?

I wonder why Jim doesn't reference funding terrorism by buying coffee from middle eastern people anymore

Jim's blinking is enraging.

How about Jim and Sam eat before they go to work? Problem solved.

But then they would lose one-third of their possible show topics.


Yeah fine but what about after 2 hours? Are they supposed to just sit there and starve? What if his eggs are 2 and a half minutes late? These are the questions we should be asking.

Or afterwards
or skip breakfast all together like most grown men do. Have a bagel with coffee & get on with the day.

Breakfast is for women and children.

You’re a wise man my friend.

But how would they muster up the energy to talk about black people shoes and diss tracks if they had to avoid food for a couple of hours?

Even "needing" a bagel and coffee makes you an immense faggot.

Sent from my iPhone whilst sipping shitty gas station coffee

I hate Jimmy with a sour warmth in the pit of my stomach that I don't feel when I hate Opie, Anthony, or Sam.

I'm starving! Where's my 2 egg whites and the 6 soy beans I ordered? I'm starving!

Moody bitch needs a crack in the mouth.

Might be considered a hate crime at this point.

When Jimmy reads that, he will get hard

Not if Chuck Zito is doing the crackin'

He blinks like the dried cum is still in his eye.

I despise faggots who start blubbering and carrying on like they'll die if they don't eat at a specific time. The one upside is that they'll be the first ones to die when society collapses. Imagine Jimmy dragging his nearly lifeless form down your street, begging someone to prepare his eggs for him the way he likes. It's sort of heartwarming in a way.

I'd shoot Jimmy in a apocalypse scenario. He's be driveling and squirming and helpless. Shoot him in the stomach with a 9mm make it slow so he can't eat any fuckin eggs

A shovel to the skull would save you a valuable bullet in that scenario.

Just salt him mate

A half-hearted strangulation would save you the trouble of lifting and swinging a shovel

You wouldn't have to worry about biting into a spine or bones while eating Jimmy's corpse.

Jimmy can't have bullets. There's so much sugar in lead and copper.

Disagree, double tap so the worm doesn’t regenerate

Split in two and squirm off into the sunset

These ssssssssssss cumbags better start delivering Mr Norton the service he's entitled to...

There's plenty of healthy type breakfast bar/quick snack options, cant they just have a green room with some shit like that in case his ritzy eggs dont show up in time? At least it'll hold him over til the next break. Jesus Christ why is everything so difficult there.

Breakfast bars? What do you think this is, the 21st century? No no, we need to drag out our breakfast talk for at least 45 minutes to eat up those quarter hours. Otherwise these two knuckleheads might have to find some actual interests or hobbies.

Add eggs to the list of normal food Sam won't eat.

He does eat dick, I know that much.

I worked a 10 hour shift yesterday with nothing more than a bottle of water. Oh how did I survive!

Does Jim know most working people don't even get to eat during their shift?

This is just so painfully out of touch.

This is the exact attitude towards food every skinny Somalian looking faggot has that also works out daily. When your available calories get burned up on the stairmaster each night you turn into a bitch.

Come on fellas, he does not have time to eat before the show starts.

You work for three hours a day. Why do you need to eat at all during that time?

Is it so ridiculous to suggest you could eat anytime before 8am and/or after 11am? Normal non-comedians such as myself call them breakfast and lunch.

Exactly. Non comedians, you civilians just dont understand.

The face, body, mannerisms and attitude of an old man that thinks he can fuck 20 year old pussy.

turkey bacon RULES !

If you don’t eat the right combination of protein, carbohydrates, and fats, your body goes into starvation mode and start retaining/hoarding the things that it does get. Jim is stupid. And I can’t believe they are talking about death row meals. What’s next - the SXM Fugitive?

Its a three hour show with long sponsor breaks that starts at 8 in the morning where they live and they eat breakfast on air. Its so inconsiderate. I remember one of the funniest things was Howard Stern demolishing Gary because he was chewing gum on a mic. Chewing gum put Stern in a rage for 10 minutes and it wasn't even close to a bit. One is a billionaire working 100 days a year, the other is doing 250 days a year for 6 figures with Sam Roberts.

This is the kind of pretentious shit that happens when you give 3rd mic a show. Somebody shove eggs up his ass.

Sams favorite pizza is sbarro. He lives in New York City, pizza capital of the world.

Didn't bobos sister got microwave pizza in Italy

dude i want to straight up knock his lights out lol

Seeing what Bennington actually looks like is why I try not to see what radio personalities look like. It spoils it for me. And I refuse to see what his daughter looks like I know I'll only be disappointed.

It's hard to believe when he always say he used to run from the cops and all that huh

I just have to issue a reminder that for all his obsession with dieting and alcohol abstinency, he willingly fucks male prostitutes who are swarming with diseases (and there's no way that Jim doesn't realize this).

So you can't even accuse him of being OCD about his health. He plainly doesn't give two shits about wether he lives or dies. He just latches on to these obsessions like they're bizarre hobbies for him.

"Ususally you eat around 9..."

Usually, the working world eats on their own time before they go to work, Jim. But stay completely unrelatable, it makes great radio.

It's a 3 hour show. You HAVE TO eat during that time? Just eat on your break or after work like everyone else.

Also, I wish my job bought me breakfast every day. I work 8 hours a day and nobody buys me a meal.

That's right. We just tough it out every day. Sometimes you have time for a bite with the boys, sometimes you don't. This building ain't gonna set itself up! Ehh, just gimme a container of coffee and I'm good all day!

I show up and do my job and earn my paycheck, uncle Sam takes his share whatdya want from me?

I gotta get back to the jobsite.

It's still a funny bit but considering the source is an out of touch faggot who legitimately dislikes people that work harder than him (everyone), it's dying for me.

Checked out when Sam went into his Taco Bell bit

That twitching is enraging. Guess what, I get up early and work my balls off and don't eat breakfast or lunch during the 3 or 4 days of the week that I'm in the field working. Lil' Yimmy can't go a couple of hours after waking up at 7am without some eggs to help push his PrEP pills down.

Then Sam says he doesn't eat eggs. What does that faggot eat? It can't just be chicken nuggets because he wouldn't be able to live off of them without being seriously ill. Lunchables? Kid Cousine?

Ron constantly looks like he's on the verge of death.

if you have to depend on others for your meals kill yourself

Why doesn't this bald slimy worm make his stupid fucking egg whites with mustard before work?

Also, they have the legend Ron in and the first thing they ask him is what his favorite food is

How does anyone hate this show? And I’m not saying this is a good show, but how do any of you work up the energy to make hate posts about it. It’s just kinda there. Jimmy was even made about his eggs just irritated.

the sauce on the fuckin taco bell quesadillas are the only fuckin reason to eat them Sam needs to shut his cunt

Whenever Sam speaks about his eating habits I wish they would shame him him. His last meal choice is Taco Bell with no sauce/sour cream. He doesn't eat eggs and steak is icky.

Punchin out.


When was it enjoyable.

Exactly. It's only 3 hours. It should truly be the only three hours of their day when they the don't eat a meal. There is 21 other hours that are perfectly acceptable to eat