Opie Podcast Episode #1 - Play-By-Play Analysis

68  2018-05-09 by NateJay82

I will listen to every single episode of this show. I will summarize it so your curiosity does not tempt you to listen as well. All I ask in return is that you do not give this podcast any unnecessary traffic.

  • Opie lets go of the past and reinvents his career by continuing to use the O&A theme.
  • He talks to himself in his truck for a few minutes before walking up to Carl Ruiz’s cabin.
  • Opie says Tim Sabean wanted to host his first show in Times Square. Carl calls him a liar.
  • He tells a childhood story about a dog attacking him and his sister. Carl calls him a liar again.
  • 20 minutes into the show Opie is still contemplating where to set up his podcast equipment.
  • The guys talk about bugs, craft beers, and the highly anticipated backstory of their friendship.
  • Constant echoes, mic feedback, and burping highlight the premium product being delivered.
  • “Nobody likes the taste of salmon. If you say you like salmon you’re a liar” – MasterChef Carl.
  • Opie accuses Carl’s physician brother of being unfunny, autistic, and dead inside.
  • He tells a possibly true story about a homoerotic eye contact with a stay at home dad.
  • The guys demonstrate their sociopathy by mocking Carl’s brother for sharing his feelings.
  • Opie pretends to have a black girl fetish. He stumbles through the cringy lie for a few minutes.
  • Carl brags about having sex with two Brazilian whores and stealing his brother’s crush.
  • Opie ends the show by announcing he is going to take a shit in Carl’s bathroom.
  • Part 2 of this riveting interview will continue… Next Time on Opie Radio The Podcast.

Mic Burps: 3; Fabricated Stories: 5; Passive-Aggressive Shots: 2


Westwood one should be ashamed of this insurbordinate unprofessionalism

Carl absolutely stinks, but he’s 10x funnier and more likable than Opie.

10 X 0 = 0

Damn good point, sir. Hat’s off to you.


dvvv dvvv dvvv

That's honestly all I kept thinking of while listening. "how the fuck am I liking Carl more than Opie?"

Give it a few weeks and Opie will be jealously feuding with Carl after seeing the feedback.

Maybe that's the move. We praise how good the show is, but only because of Carl. This pisses off Opie, Anthony, and possibly Jim.

Sad, but true. Carl at least has a sense of humor about himself.

You're doing the Lord's work.

This shit is bad. Not nearly as bad as Ant, Artie and the Fag. Actually it is Much better than the "HaHaHolyShit Show" so Opie and Carl are much better than broken glass in your blow!

how is it better? half the episode he talks about the cabin we cannot even see. At least we can see Artie high as hell on heroin on Ant's show.

I find AA now unwatchable. At least Opie is on a new adventure; Ant and Artie completely suck, and with Landau... Unwatchable. HaHaHaHoly shit over and over and over again. Yuk!

yea with Landau its shit. I too watch it less and less and will cancel the sub for sure its bearable if you skip the boring parts right away.

Artie is terrible and he just latches onto keywords and yells out meaningless lines.

sure but compared to Opie he is a genius of comedy. There was not a single joke in the podcast not a single comedy bit, nothing.

Artie is terrible and he just latches onto keywords and yells out meaningless lines.

Is it too harsh to call Artie the Sherrod of Compound Media?

theater of the mind....mannnnn. yeah i know it sucks but you dont have to see it. its mindless mom talk you can sleep to

Not nearly as bad as Ant, Artie and the Fag.

Why is Anthony billed twice?

Better than Jim&Sam or AA.


“Nobody likes the taste of salmon. If you say you like salmon you’re a liar” – MasterChef Carl.

Ugh. There is no more hacky opinion than "hey I don't like this food so therefore nobody else can like this food". Guess a nice toasted bagel with lox and creme cheese tastes like shit because Cheeseburger Carl has declared it so. How bout you tell me what music to listen to and what porn to watch because clearly these are things I can't decide for myself.

But salmon does taste like rotten pussy.

Chef or not, I'm not taking food advice from a fucking fat spic. Salmon is good and he's a fucking idiot for saying that it isn't.

So I’m sure if we went into Irene’s Deli or whatever the fuck his failure bodega with tables is called, we won’t see a single ounce of salmon in there.

Carl cant go back to Marie's due to the restraining order he was served, along with divorce paper's, at the end of last week.

wait a minute... what?!?!?

please spill your news-beans all over me

She had them both written up through Chatham Township's Miller and Miller, and served by DGR Legal (dgrlegal.com); issued in accordance with New Jersey State law.

tell me what music to listen to

Jim Florentine has you covered

Salmon, what are you, an adult?

Has he never had sushi rolls? Smoked salmon? What a fucking idiot.

Especially when it comes from a 'chef' who owns a deli in Chatham, NJ.

1/2 of one now.

Tell me what porn to watch

There‘s a great video where a cuckold films a young bull being ridden by his wife. He then begins to anally fuck this man who in turn loses his erection; noticeably uncomfortable.

Keith the Cop produces his best content outside of Compound Media.

Carl is a glorified Subway sandwich artist. He's not even good enough to work at my beloved Panera.

But seriously, he's not a chef. He's not a foodie. As far as anyone can tell, he's a short order cook who loves fast food and has terrible table manners.

Guy Fieri is a douchebag and rightfully gets flak from people who care about food, but Guy does display some culinary instinct, even a little passion about cooking. He creates food that may not be very inspired, but he creates food.

Carl just assembles sandwiches in his shitty deli and films himself eating cheeseburgers (with a pack of ciggies laying on the table. Fucking rude savage). How is he a fucking chef?

Lol why didnt he put effort into this and try to really create something unique and interesting that he could be proud of because its all his own work. His magnum opies if you will tsst.

Fucking idiot. Fucking worthless, lazy idiot.

If you inevitably fail it better is not to Really try in the first place.

Where was the comedy???

"I'm still (trying to create something that is) hilarious."

This really was embarrassing. I did not like Opie's "pile as many bad comedians in a room and try to find something funny", but at least I can understand why some may like that. I don't know what the hell this is supposed to be.

The audio equivalent of stepping in fresh dogshit.

Sounds like a strong start.

Carl's hot take on salmon reveals his lack of cooking talent

"Opie accuses Carl’s physician brother of being unfunny, autistic, and dead inside."

Starting to think that the #1 prerequisite for getting into radio is a striking lack of self awareness.

Nice rundown of the Opie Radio Clodcast

Salmon is pretty much a bullshit fish

You died for our sins.

I honestly enjoy the first part of the podcast. Trashing Carl is entertaining. He's at the bottom where he belongs.

The intro made me feel pathetically sad hearing the old song and the big celebrity get was Guy Fieri.

I fucking love salmon