Vic must be waiting for the check to clear. Zero tweets about the Opie podcast in his timeline

71  2018-05-09 by Woodaby

Say what you want about the guy but you gotta respect his "fuck you, pay me" principles.


How bout his other guys?

They went back to obscurity.

Tuesdays are pork chop delivery days

Is he paying Carl? Surely the reason Carl has hung around this long was in hopes of another paycheck, but I doubt that Westwood One money is enough to support his $750/show lifestyle.

Yes, he must be. Hopefully Opie's starting to dig into his son's college fund. I say his son's because we all know Opetta isn't going to college.

Oh why, because she's slower? Sir, I'll have you know there are people with mental retardation who graduate college even under those conditions. Just look at her father.

No, because she's female. Civilisations tumble in direct proportion to women being educated in anything more than sewing, cooking and dance.

Let’s be real here, Vic will inject his dumb dorky dyke face into any medium with a handful of listeners that invites him

He’s too busy keeping his head on a swivel, lamb chops.

He's replenishing his meat truck.

Dixie Mafia dont play without pay.

No, because she's female. Civilisations tumble in direct proportion to women being educated in anything more than sewing, cooking and dance.