WEIGH IN: There's something honestly WRONG with millennial women and women in general these days.

7  2018-05-09 by TangerineReam


Settle down Jimmy

How big a gal are ya?

I don't know what the long con is, but there's some force trying to breed shame out of women.

Men too.

Whole lotta Dannys

you don't honestly know?

It's funny how they champion sluts and fatties all in one bout. They're shame shamers. It's good to feel embarrassed for being a dumb whore with no skills or hobbies or real friends.

Shut up queer.

Like the pot calling the kettle nigger.

The rise of feminism giving women worth.

This guy is one of the good ones, ladies!


All propaganda since Bernays is directed primarily at women because women more susceptible to its messages as they are mostly guided by emotions and not logic. And men, basically always wanting pussy, will follow along to please their mate. Millenial women are the result of a 100+ year long, multigenerational psychological warfare against them to deny their basic biological and sociological functions and rebel against their very nature. Once the women become dysfunctional, men will follow and everyone in their general unhappiness will turn to buying “products” to alleviate their pain and turn to the government to deal with all the fallout from these dysfunctional behaviors.

Eh, you can save ya long post and your psycho-babble for the big brains, I get enough of that from the wife. As long as I've got a container of coffee and a paper in my hands I'm a happy worker.

See ya at the site at 7, pal.


Well, they are not getting dates and they're beginning to wonder why. In my case I can't get romantic knowing she might woke at any moment and accuse me. Of something.

This guy is one of the good ones, ladies!