Alpha Aubrey 🌭🌭🌭🌭

9  2018-05-09 by urprobsmkemydicksoft


Who are these fags with great abs? Asking for a friend

Aubrey is joe rogans fuck toy Joe gets a constant supply of alpha brain pills and onnit athletes to fuck in return for being a shill for Aubrey’s snake oil supplements.

Can't unsee those giant nipples.

Glad I shot my load before I noticed those.

u/drsteve103 is there a medical condition that could cause a man to have dinner plate sized nipples?

honestly, I'm baffled

We dont deserve you

I really did not expect an answer.

Grrrrrrr, they all stir my manhood except the bald ones of course

Paul Chek is streets ahead

Did you photoshop in baloney nips?

ms paint, Im way too dumb to pirate ps

how dare you.


Brown fist, of course. What a faggot.

Aubrey has been on a few podcasts talking about how he likes getting cucked. he says repeatedly that his wife has a lot of “lovers” who is more dominate than him.

Glad I shot my load before I noticed those.

u/drsteve103 is there a medical condition that could cause a man to have dinner plate sized nipples?