Seriously who the fuck finds this guy funny

102  2018-05-09 by acountnumer666


Guilty White mother fuckers that defend street shitting kid fuckers.

"The Problem with Kumail"

2,330 retweets for that? Opie should kill himself.

Wahhhhhh guns. Wahhhhhh Drumpf. Wahhhhh Republicans.

There, you never have to read another Kumail tweet.

Also, I some (something banal) and I started crying.

Also, I saw (something banal) and I started crying.

REMINDER: a few weeks ago mods started sweeping up "problematic" topics like these cause the anti-liberal mob mentality got too hot for them. Not sure which one/ones, but it was a clean sweep that went on for a while, even funny/upvoted threads got deleted. It was proven with

If they cite another reason they're lying and misleading.

Why is it always a Harry Potter reference with these faggots

Being one of the most popular works of fiction in history probably helps

Kill yourself

Everything is up for debate, buddy boy. You're not right just because you're upset.

Did you really just troll my post history? Faggot.

Yes. Take the beatdown, it will sting less next time.


Jokes on you, I was just acting retarded.


They're dorks


Because really awful childrens literature is about the only things adults read

Just in: david duke was offered a job to be the dean of tulane university

He decided not to take it as it would be a bad pr move

This just in my penis was offered to be sucked but it didn’t take it because it’s small and embarrassed or sumthing

comedy should be relatable. your post really is relatable to me. thank you.

Hate this fkn sand nigger. Needs to be curb stomped

needs to be street-shat

I'm sure Kumail thought long and hard about what fictional bad guy to use for this killer burn. It was nearly Darth Vader but Nanjiani remembered that he already used him on a Republican National Convention tweet. Gotta' keep it fresh.

Plus Darth Vader is clearly a black man. #punchingdown

Voiced by a black man but the white guy gets to appear in the movie. #/stolenvalor

Only faggots and unfunny sluts get Harry Potter references.

Nice nose stupid


Pardon me while I not act surprised at a Paki who hates America. They hid Bin laden, while we bombed the neighboring country for 10 years.

Meanwhile in India...

District Magistrate Jitendera Singh said the group abducted the girl from Chatra, a village in eastern Jharkhand state, while she was attending a wedding ceremony on Thursday.

Some of them allegedly raped her before letting her go home.

After her parents reported the crime, village council leaders ordered the accused rapists to do 100 sit-ups and pay a 50,000 rupee (A$990) fine as punishment, according to the BBC.

Enraged by the punishment, Mr Singh said the suspects beat up the girl's family members for complaining against them and burned the 16-year-old alive.

ordered the accused rapists to do 100 sit-ups

That's harsh on a medieval level, almost a cruel & unusual punishment. 20 sit-ups would be more appropriate in 2018.

Imagine being so outraged about exercise that you burn a girl to death? /u/erock, comment?

Get in Shape with Rape

He's a Paki, not Indian. They have different motives when throwing acid on faces.

Sit ups?Then they burn alive the victim?What a colorful culture.Fucking barbarians.

some call them savages, i call them a reminder of what's always lurking.. ladies

But America has a rape culture, maaaaaaaaaaan

Comedians aren't paid to be funny anymore.

Its hilarious in Hindi!

Check out Pakistani Lenny Bruce over here. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><aref="">#WhitePrivilegeMeans</a> the <a href="">@NRA</a> defends your right to bear arms.</p>— Kumail Nanjiani (@kumailn) <a href="">July 10, 2016</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

What a stupid name. Owjdbe dgogken I just typed random letters and it looks the same pretty much.

Rich Jews.

virtue signaling faggots, or retards with retarded senses of humor

They think rats are holy...



People who subscribe to the OpieRaqio podcast.

HAHAHAHA. THE BAD GUY...Oh my God, the bad guy from the movie.... He didn't like (opposing political group) because...they were TOO EVIL FOR HIM!? Fucking home run. No wonder western women are so crazy for Indian cock.

now that hes living in a first world nation, has this shitskin learnt to wipe his ass with paper yet?


He sucks and that joke sucks but I have to say that I don't find anyone funny on Twitter. It's once in a moon that I'll laugh at something in writing, I just don't think it's the best mode of delivery for comedy.

Da gubament is just like STAH WAHS.

DARTH VADER also turned down the opportunity to serve in Trumps administration!

You tell em Kumquat Jumanji

for a while one of the mods was shutting down these threads cause the massive shit talking of hollywood liberals (and libs in general) started getting too intense on the sub. if it happens again, now you know why

Oh thank goodness, a Harry Potter reference so the world will make sense to me once more

his voice sucks

Liberals have a S&M fetish of having people from other countries tell them how much they suck.