Bobby just did a snoring sound when Luis brought up the Artie and Anthony show

66  2018-05-08 by Ant_Sucks

Shots fired.

Happens about 56 minutes in.


People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Although he should lose a few.

lose a few.


fawk yeah exaggeration yumor

Actually, in Bobby’s case, not really.

Bobby is his own house.

British humor has no place here.

British yumor*

Et tu, fatso?


Why does Bobby have that dumb hole on every episode? Can't watch a single episode because of her.

Her Mickey Mouse laugh irritates the shit out of me

What makes it worse is knowing she comes from money,her privileged laugh upsets me,along with that dull fat dude suarez his family isnt in a band and doesnt have bon jovi money,but they own a popular restaurant here in texas

Ms. Muppet on that Jew-Rich stardom track.

Well Ant just added a third mic. All he has to do is have 6 more guests on at the same time so it'll be as funny as Bobby's YKWD.

All he needs is a NY studio

Bobby fucking sucks. He’s a loud mouth and yells over everyone.

I listen to YKWD when Joe List, Soder, Luis, etc. are on. Bobby never says anything funny. He holds court like some sort of centered sage, but anytime someone says something he doesn't like he bullies them and shuts the conversation down with yelling.

I fully agree with this.

I used to love it when ever that shit finger Indian read the fat jokes from the chatroom

Why does this fat fuck do them live on Tuesday and then wait all the way until Sunday to release them?

that blonde cunt on her phone the entire time is further proof that she’s useless, and adds nothing to the show other than a pretty face for distraction

There is this phenomenon that exists in nature called a joke

No, it was Bobby

Probably just doing an impression of artie

Although Slobby is 100% correct, he too sucks peckas. He surrounds himself with 50 ppl because he knows he's not funny

there is no reason to watch or listen to YKWD, stop doing this to yourself.

It's not funny, interesting or informative. It's not even worth hate listening to. Just mediocre drivel captained by a slovenly egomaniac.

it's the podcast equivalent of The View, cackling assholes nobody likes talking over each other about something they know nothing about.

You don't like Paul Virzi and Bobby talking about smoking 'bats'?

Ohhh dude, we fire up a few bats to kick off the barbeque...

Shut. Up. You. Cunt.

UGH, "bats" is the worst, he even said "sticks" one day. Nice insider lingo, stupid.

"bats" suck. smoke a ciggy like a man.


Ya know, sticks.


virzi has one of the wrst voices ever

You listen to the cumia show though?

not really

Bob Kelly is not funny and never was funny, he was just made fun of by funny people.

His standup is actually hilarious but this show sounds fucking awful

But I like to hear bobby talk about his food addiction,his son,and some other random story he’s repeated every episode about himself

YKWD back when they had the regulars was the funniest show in the world. Way better than O&A its not even close..

Steady on fella'

It was a very good show. But it was definitely not way better than O&A. Also, it's ridiculous to compare a 1 and a half hour per week podcast to a show that was on 20 hours per week. Nobody could keep up that level of entertainment for 20 hours.

Shut up Bobby you big fat pig.

> This video is unavailable.

The live show is finished. The video won't go up until next week.

Maybe you should have thought about that then

Maybe you should have thought about clicking the link sooner

Listen buster, I don't think I like your "the customer is always wrong" attitude!


Both podcasts r of like quality

Don't mention your favorite programming language in the middle of your post.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea. A lot of fat fucks have it.

That was probably just his blubber flapping when he was trying to breathe. All kidding aside he really shouldn't talk because YKWD is complete dogshit and very un-listenable. At least I can listen to SOME Compound shows that have decent guests.

I'd listen to anything on CM before I'd listen to anything Bob Kelly.

Maybe he actually dozed off because he's 800 lbs

Bob kelly is fat and his show sucks. Who cares what he thinks.

Is there a single podcast outside of Hardcore History that isn’t a complete boring waste of time?

History of the Twentieth Century

The Age of Napoleon


To name a few. I actually don’t like Dan Carlin. I honestly think he doesn’t know what he’s talking about most of the time.

This guy likes French History over here.


I really liked Mike Duncan's History of Rome podcast, bit never followed him onto his other projects. As a fan of the French Revolution and all it's surroundings, this might be a good one to start up. Although my current podcast is the Twilight Zone podcast. I watch an episode and then listen to the soothing voice of Tom Elliot discuss as I go to bed. A very nice ritual I've carved out over the last few months.

I liked History of Rome a lot too, but Mike Duncan just doesn’t hold my attention the way Dan Carlin does.

By the way, if you’re interested in Napoleon, the audiboook of his biography by Andrew Roberts is fucking phenomenal.

Mike Duncan's certainly is dry, but good info (and I like the shorter length of episodes)


Dan Carlin is the best at making things facinating, and he is well researched, but I can see how people would have a problem with him. I love his content, but I can see the arguement that he values sensationalism over hard facts. I think he does it in a respectful way that remains true and works to get the listener fully invested, but there are inherent problems with his emotional approach to history. I do wish hedake a French Revolution Hardcore History. Or really he could do anything based on the Roman Empire and I'd listen.

He’s not for everyone but the guy reads 20+ books per episode. Academic historians pretty much universally like him.

Thanks for the suggestions though. I’ve heard good things about Revolutions.

Pop history cunt, I also can't stand his voice.

That's just his normal breathing

fucking fat bore he is. regardless of how much he licks "NOAM" and "MITZY's" tribal-supremacist assholes.....he remain the humorless sage of the nameless, open-mic round table

--just keep trying to attain 'wholeness' and "individuality" by purchasing electronics and picking up idiosyncratic hobbies fucking DISGUSTING SOW

Wasn't a snoring sound, he was just struggling to breathe.

it's the podcast equivalent of The View, cackling assholes nobody likes talking over each other about something they know nothing about.

You listen to the cumia show though?

Bob Kelly is not funny and never was funny, he was just made fun of by funny people.