Compound Media has filed complaints against them with the Better Business Bureau. Nice Job Keith! I'm sure it was for doxxing!

48  2018-05-08 by unclepaul84


"Billing/Collection Issues" - Look's like someone is being a nigger..


Haha, both for "billing/collection issues". They routinely charge cards early for renewals and then flat out refuse to give refunds. They'll happily terminate your login on day 1 if you ask and then they keep the money for the remaining 30 days in the month. They claim their payment processor "can't do refunds" 2018. What an absolute embarrassment of a company.

Their system "can't do refunds" but yours can do charge-backs. Issue a charge-back and bury those motherfuckers in fees.

Pay through paypal, and do paypal charge back. The price of subscriptions has not gone up on the compound media website if you're already a subscriber so its against paypal TOS for them to have increased the fee. You can't say on your website that I'm subscribed to X amount but continue to charge my account more.

The Better Business Bureau is Yelp for senior citizens.

Old people customer service threats in order of escalation

  1. BBB
  2. My attorney
  3. My congressman
  4. The media

Compound media needs a Yelp page

There are NO reviews for this business. Be the first to leave a review!

Oh, C'mon!

Nice reviews only now.

The BBB is nothing special. What are you all in your 50s?

Eh? What's that sonny?

Buncha squa4es rou d here, daddy-O! I say we makes for Splitsville and skeedaddle

It could have been for the rapes

I love Kevin Brennan, but no way is his show worth dealing with this bullshit. At least he has a Patreon, but Burning Bridges is a great watch. Hope he escapes their bullshit.