He looks very Old and very Gay here

121  2018-05-08 by unclepaul84


I bet there’s vodka in that OJ! This guys doesn’t even give a fuck—he’ll drink on planes!

Well he's not flying da plane,da plane

Theres a mothafuckin pedophile on thus mothfuckin plane

He has to drink constantly so that he won't outlive his money

Tranth be all like " Fuck love. All I got for hoes is hard dick and bubble gum"

Only 1 shirt?

It's a harbinger of the apocalypse, the single-shirted Nana.

Times are getting tough

He’s on vacation! No need for formalities!

No no, he probably has a shirt on underneath.

He is on vacation.....

He looks like someone the doctor gave 2 months to live, that's decided to say "fuck it" to all the US travel advisories and visit his homeland of Palestine.

"Doctor told him he only had 2 months to live. He said 'I want a second opinion', doctor told him 'Alright, here's a second opinion- you're ugly' haha holy shit!"

he honestly looks worse than my 72 year old cancer survivor dad

He's repressed his love for "the trans" so much, a T has appeared on his forehead.

What a coincidence! Given his aged homosexual desires.

hideous old faggot

Looks like the man mentioned in your username spiked him in the face.

He's progressed to the "taunt people who still love you" phase of alcoholism.

"Ha! You thought I tried to stop drinking? You think I took rehab seriously! Well look at this vodka OJ!"

The next phase after this, by the way, involves liver failure and death.

I can only hope.

I love a happy ending.

You left out dementia. We are already there.

“In first class we drink OJ a glass. Not like the animals back there.”

-Ron Bennington

Yes ago, I saw a porn clip, that started off focussed on the couple's genitals. "Are you enjoying that?" asked the guy. The camera pulled back, and the woman had to be at least 80. "Oh, yes" she said - and she had the same expression on her face that Ant has.


Link or I call bullshit.

I'm hard as a rock

"Are you enjoying that?" asked the guy.

What an awkward fuck that guy is. "Yes; oh my, yes. Massage my penis."

You forgot: Ugly Creepy Old Creepy Like a pedo Nana like

And ghoulish and ethnic and sexual offenderish and classless and untalented and untrustworthy

yeah...when I was in my 20's every vacation picture taken had me holding a drink

Even with the plugs he’s still bald

I wonder how many gallons of his father and brother's semen has slithered through those yellow urinals he calls teeth...

"Here child, drink it all up."

A souvenir cup of child spit fresh from the mouths of Florida's orange consuming tots.

I sure hope Joe didn't see this and spoil the surprise.

I mean this will all sincerity. Does he not see the irony when he rambles about family values? Look at this fucking tool.

Nice Paulie Walnuts Starter Wings.

Why does he look so excited. Does he not realize it's not full of piss?

Also, when did they start putting 120v outlets in seats?

Old and gay. Yep. Everything is normal.

Oooooooh I have orange juice. I don't get it.

'I put your vitamins in here, girls. Bottoms uuup...'

Any time those veneers are visible, he looks just like Trollface.

Literally the trollface

That smile is so fucking creepy. Looks like Nicholson in Batman

What in the fuck is this thing. He really is just an old queen

Teenagers posing with alcohol is expected. Old men who date teenagers & pose with alcohol are downright pitiful.

Dad stole his kid's graphic tees.

His hair literally looks like pubic flavored cotton candy

That bony face and those teeth. He should move to the village.

He's well on the way to becoming an Old Queen. You see, he's having a bit of laugh at this cheap plastic glass. Obviously, he won't often touch that which is not in an oversized stemware crystal glass he can swirl about. This photo is for 'Jasper' his 'assistant' and Jasper's friends who now routinely come over on weekends to listen to Anthony, wearing a sleeping robe and slippers, amuses them with nasty stories about others. Jasper will eventually shoot Anthony in an 'accident' one early morning in the bedroom.

oh yeah? you do

what a creep

he looks like he usually does - on the verge of tears

At this point, it's more sad than anything else. Daddy's dead. He's been dead for 20 years. Mommy's dead too Ant. You can come out.

A toast: "To trannies"!

hear! hear!

Everyone gets old but do it gracefully. This is just embarrassing . No one cares you have an alcohol woooooh look out for this guy

My dear guests, welcome to disappointing fantasy island!

He's hard to look at.

I thought this was a screenshot from the HBO Liberace movie.

Why does this pock marked ghoul just grow a beard?


He should wear the hat again

wow... take care of yourselves when you're young gang

it catches up

He's slowly becoming Richard Simmons.


The last view from a teenager before getting the Cosby special

Every individual follicle is teased to maximum density.

John Waters looking mother fucker

He looks like a North African Richard Simmons.

I hope he drops the glass with the way he’s holding it so inefficiently

Stylist - John Sahag is not very good. Is Ant his only slightly famous client?
