Chad Opie taking shots at Howard

3  2018-05-08 by aPersonStranded


Lynsi _____ Bam's ____ and then swallowed his ____

Tomato, turtle, soup

people act like stern doesn’t mention opie because he’s too “big” or doesn’t want to plug him, but that’s some big shot bullshit hollywood nonsense rationale.

the fact of the matter is if you let another man talk this way about you publicly and don’t respond it’s because you’re a COWARD and you know he’s right. HS will stay quiet like a scared little piggy in a straw house just praying the big bad wolf goes away and doesn’t tear down anymore walls.

Oh fuck!! He has to respond now or he's gonna look like a real loser.

What a Stan. He needs to stop whining like a fag. Stern didn’t get you banned from Letterman. Your Letterman appearance was always a one-off favor between agents. You weren’t accomplished enough or interesting enough to genuinely pique Letterman’s interest enough to warrant a repeat appearance. And here’s some advice, Opie: if you are the show runner, you sit next to Letterman. You don’t let your sidekick sit next to Letterman. It makes you look like a zilch hiding behind the talents of your sidekick.

But he was a zilch hiding behind the talents of his sidekick...

At this point I doubt Howard even remembers who this cunt is.

"Yo", in Florentine's words "what are you 12? ".

Can't wait for Howard's response.Let's see where this goes.