Anthony thinks Democrats are the ones keeping blacks in poverty

0  2018-05-07 by FlashVirus


The linked tweet was tweeted by @AnthonyCumiacm on May 07, 2018 23:51:01 UTC (1 Retweets | 4 Favorites)

The Dems have kept black people down and in poverty for generations.

I guess she wants that to continue.

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I'm sure it has nothing to do with IQ levels, low-trust societies, and impulse behavioral traits or anything.

So your point is a broken clock is right twice a day?

I don't think the situation would magically improve if they started voting Republican.

No, but it will get worse if they keep voting Democrat.

Well, let’s put it this way: they’ve voted for Democrats for 50+ years straight. How has that worked out for them?

Better than it would have had they voted Republican.

Yeah. I’m sure Republicans would have really done much worse with Detroit.

Well, let's put it this way- they voted for the Republican Party prior to those 50+ years. How has the worked out for them? Intelligence & behavioral traits are largely hereditary. Voting for the GOP isn't going to turn them into Swedes.

They voted for Republicans prior to those 50 years

So, we’re talking about 1910-60? Oh, you mean the height of Detroit’s wealth and prosperity?

Take a look at the dumbest, poorest states. They're all red/Republican. Anthony has a point about welfare/social programs perhaps breeding a sense laziness/entitlement/complacency (assuming that's his point) but Democrats are undoubtedly better for poor people.

What are you talking about, California has the highest deficit debt thus is the poorest state.

You could not be more wrong about this. neither are good for poor people, but Democrats have shown that they want to keep poor people poor and even create more, whereas republicans would rather forget about them and ignore them. Which at least gives them the freedom to try and escape poverty.

republicans would rather forget about them and ignore them. Which at least gives them the freedom to try and escape poverty.

Lol yeah this sounds like a winning plan.

I didn't say either side would lead us to a win. But I am sick of people ignoring how terrible the Democratic party is. I would rather have a chance at rising up, even if it is against all odds, than be held down

He needs to stop blaming Dems for Compound Media's cash flow problems

Check out Malcom X of here.

Wow. He is actually sober for once

The majority of Blacks are too stupid to think for themselves and will continue to vote for the White guilt poverty pimps.

Too many buzzwords

Or just not vote at all

This is true.

Anthony thinks correctly for once.

This is true.