Loving the direction of the sub 4 years ago.

49  2018-05-07 by CuckECheese


Fuck ... that was 15 accounts ago

Why do people go through accounts like that?

I like to purge every 6 months ... karma is for fags.

I change accounts mainly based around a complex yet delicaye system of forgetting my password.

Have you considered writing your passwords down?

Like on paper? What am I a caveman?

I just eventually get banned from every sub

Just remember that you're not the problem. It's everyone else.

i dont want these posts coming back to haunt when i get my life in order

Don't worry about it. No rush.

don't worry im not speeding to a stop sign

I might want to run for office one day, and I don't want anyone stealing my ideas for Jewish pogroms


Reddit process: Say something dumb > get called out > go down throwing shit like an angry chimp > delete account in shame > start new account > call literally everyone a faggot > rinse > repeat.

This sub 3 years ago>>>

"I'm tired of reading all these negative threads" oh boy

My how times change.

They provided content for us, now they are the content.

It seems to be about quality over quantity with posts from CuckECheese, unlike the rest of this peanut gallery we call a sub

Well it's like mother used to say: if you don't have something nice to say, you shouldn't say anything at all.

4 years ago they were mailing in limp dick radio until the implosion -they deserved the hate and the firing

I'm embarrassed I didn't hate them all 4 years ago.

I’m embarrassed I was ever a fan in the first place.

Back then we only had one guy who hated Opie. His name was Leeham.

There was always tons of Opie hate on the Youtube videos. "You just don't understand how the show works" was the common response we got.

I know I left a ship steering comment a time or two.

There was Opiesucks, a prophet of his time.

they have every damn right to complain about a management that shackles them

What a fucking queer. God forbid they hold off on their childish complaining during the 20 hours a week they spend doing the easiest job imaginable for millions of dollars.

That's the bit!

I have a 12 yr old wackbag acct that is cringey with my posts. It's old enough for Ant to fuck though.

Well it's like mother used to say: if you don't have something nice to say, you shouldn't say anything at all.

Have you considered writing your passwords down?