Opie's Bio on Westwood One's Site

19  2018-05-07 by just_lou

"Gregg Hughes, aka “Opie” is one of the most popular radio personalities in the history of the medium. As famous as he is infamous, Opie is known for his outrageous bits and pranks, famous friendships, and compelling interviews. He is a modern-day audio and radio icon – when he speaks, the ratings follow. Opie’s fans have been loyal to him since he first appeared with Brother Wease on WCMF/Rochester. His fan base exploded when he created The Opie and Anthony Show in 1994, which ran until 2014, and was a market leader on every station where the show aired. From 2003 to 2017, Opie was a significant and highly visible personality on SiriusXM. His most recent show was considered a must stop for the biggest actors, comedians, and entertainers in the business."


He really does think he is Howard.

What do you think 'highly visible' meant? It meant Howard could see him through the glass every morning when he yelled HI HOWARD like Bonnie's sister.

No mention of Jim Norton.

He was always staff, never a co-host. He had his own contracts and dealings with Sirius and Infinity

He wouldn't have mentioned Anthony if his name wasn't in the name of the show he "CREATED".

HooHoo Robin, I created Anthony, I did, before it was some labourer nobody, then I turned him into a racist tranny-fucker who did impressions of people who were famous decades ago, I did that

Artie nods off

As it should be that fake fucking worm.

aS fAmOuS aS hE iS iNfAmOuS, oPiE iS kNoWn FoR hIs OuTrAgEoUs BiTs AnD pRaNkS

I HaVE CeLEbRiTy FrIeNDs....ApReL FaaAHLs

"Raised by my parents, but later in the streets"

'Then by the mob, then by an undersea scuba fight club.'

I hope people wonder and google why he 'left' SiriusXM if he was so significant and visible.

Hello everyone, I am broadcasting legend Gregg "Opie" Hughes and I regret to inform you all that someone has stolen $10,000 from the CEO of Westwood One's office. If you're out there, you fuchitive from justice, you Westwood One $10,000 Fuchative, please call us at the top of every hour, before our benchmark song parody bit, so we can inquire as to how to facilitate the return of these funds.

Must stop at the door and leave.


Opie ruined every guest interview he was a part of.

What a unbelievable crock of shit

"Opie’s fans have been loyal to him since he first appeared with Brother Wease on WCMF/Rochester" Apparently the author isn't a Redditor

The line: "His fan base exploded" leaves little doubt he wrote this himself.


Every sentence is literally the opposite of reality.

I take it Westwood One let's their hosts write up their bio? Opie might have some big name guests on O&A but he never was responsible for booking them (most just happened to be in the building already) and he was never good at interviewing them, ant or Jimmy did all the work.

"His most recent show was considered a must stop"

I won't argue about that

When I picture Opie spending a day meticulously writing this bio for himself it makes my spine fucking hurt from cringing so hard.


This is worse than a resume written by a person who just graduated college