Images that blow Joe Rogan's mind [14/50]

113  2018-05-07 by DirtyCrappedBriefs


I think i hate Rogan now. These memes are very effective and can't be denied.

The cranky jim memes that flooded this place a week ago made me hate jim.

I'm certain I do.

Fuckn yer

I love these.

A coyote would jack that thing up. Jamie, pull up that video of the coyote jacking up a boot-dog.

Have you ever seen boots? Have you ever seen boots....on DMT?!?!

Na na na man you got to look at this pic on weed man!

There’s actually this theory by my friend Roger Zukowski, he’s a theoretical cryptozoologist, he’s a brilliant guy, that animals and humans are actually, at their micromolecular level, identical to inanimate objects. So the only thing that separates us from a pair of boots or an ashtray is consciousness. If an umbrella becomes self aware it will fuck you up.

What we've got here is a dog made of boots in the shape of a boot. Jamie pull up that video of a pit bull mauling a toddler.

Jamie pull up that boot dog real quick

" I was elke hunting in syberia, we came across a mother boot wolf, thing was crazy. she got spooked cuz I got a little too close to one of her cubs and snarled her teeth at me, crazy dude. jamie pull that up. look at those things, imagine those biting into your arm? reminds me of this time when I was on dmt in my float tank"

I envision Rogan blasted on edibles giggling like a cunt w/ other guys who are on steroids while his daughter drowns in the pool just outside.

I love looking at doggo pupper gud bois with my le reddit army. Can confirm.