Anthony looks NOTHING like this. What the hell happened?

57  2018-05-07 by LOSfan


You buy cell phone case, buddy? I give you good deal!

Onyx tape. $3.99, my friend. Come buy from me.

Damn it you made the stereotypical Arab "my friend" reference before I did

*my f’dien

I wear the flannel shirt like an American. You know the Kurt Cobain, my friend? He wear flannel also. And I wear the blue jeans like a Michael J. Fox. How do American say? Too hip to be square.

My friend, check out this scrolling LED screen for your belt. I give it to you $10, comon, special price

25 years

Show anyone this photo... the last thing they would say is "oh yeah, that's a white guy". He looks more Puerto Rican, Mexican, and Middle Eastern than most Puerto Rican's, Mexican's, and Middle Eastern people.

How was he never cast as a terrorist?

Ant Malik

Antwan bin Laden

Do you lunge for the apostrophe every time a plural word comes your way? What a retard

Stop pluralizing words with apostrophes, you retard.

I would be genuinely curious to see Ant's 23&me results.

An interesting thing to note is that 23andMe requires that you actually spit into a vial repeatedly until the vial is full. This can take up to 20 minutes to produce this much spittle. something something Joseph cumia child spit.

It's the damn change of life.

Life is complicated. I killed people. Smuggled people. Sold people. Perhaps here things will be different...

It is your cousin, Joseph!

For ten years, I've been searching

Let's go bowling!

GTA 4 was so good

That Brucie guy was so fucking funny, I played every iteration of those missions just to hear everything he would say.

I loved killing Bob Kelly in the Central Park bathroom and listening to him cry.

He lost his melanin after a while

47 years difference.

Age. And those big new teeth

Alcohol, HGH, and semen.

What makes people think he took HGH

He went - as an alcoholic - from having a scrawny, weasly face to having almost a squarish jaw. You can see the photographic evidence from circa 2010 to 2014 and then to say, 2016 where the evidence of testosterone was flushed from his body and now has the face of a gypsy woman's face and the body of an Italian grandmother.

But that's just my observation. Oh and also, he's a total fag now.

I dunno. In my experience, guys that spend their lives drinking tens to get “puffy”. That is immediately noticeable in the face and in the gut.

Anthony may appear to have lost some weight, but he does have a trainer come to his house a few times per week. He’s still drinking like a fish.

He died. Opie replaced him with a soundalike. Looking like him wasn't as big a deal.

Huskily: “I wish him nothing but the best”

Ho-Lee shit

Still rocking two shirts

"Got Letterman taping tonight, better wipe down my trainers, put on my best walmart jeans and make sure my hair is super frizzy"


This is worse than “bobbies”. You’re a country of pallid disastermouthed faggots

Oh yeah? Calling training shoes trainers is retarded but calling them sneakers is just perfect is it? Go eat something else you obese sweaty moron

Sneakers has its own meaning to us, it doesn’t evoke an image of literal sneaking. ‘Trainers’ sounds like diapers.

Edit: sorry, “nappies”. Nice culture, stupid

Thankyou, you're welcome.

At least Opie made sure to wear his best ill-fitting blouse that day

he needs to grow the beard back, cover up as much of that face as possible.

He become incredibly vain in his old age. First were those ridiculous fucking venners he got that literally make him look like troll face. Then he started with the HGH, which did alow him to stop being a skinny fuck but also swelled his head to twice the size, making his acne scars even more prominent. Lastly he decides to start dying his hair with soy sauce. All of the above result in the man we have today.

fucking venners he got

Were you trying to say veneers? I had to google translate your same-language-speaking dumb ass just to rule out some facial surgery procedure I didn’t know about. I’ll have more faith in myself next time

Hair by Kikkoman.

His veneers look so fucking bad I have to wonder what went through his mind when he first saw them.

Yeah I don't why he stopped with facial hair. The one thing that could cover those holes.

Well, he is a radio guy. I mean Ronny B is no looker, but love the hell out of that man.

He looks like the janitor at the Walmart I go to who says "my friend" in every sentence.

Homosexuality happened. Let this be a warning to you experimenters..

I can't tell where his shoe ends and his sick begins

Those socks are infuriating.

Lin Manchild Miranda

Pancake makeup, soy sauce & Russian boy cum.

Drunk head.

You ever see that photo montage of Lady Di? How she changed over the years due to all of her heavy drinking? Just remember Ant drinks heavily too and has done so for years.

Obama was elected

I miss this guy

Oh yeah? Calling training shoes trainers is retarded but calling them sneakers is just perfect is it? Go eat something else you obese sweaty moron

I dunno. In my experience, guys that spend their lives drinking tens to get “puffy”. That is immediately noticeable in the face and in the gut.

Anthony may appear to have lost some weight, but he does have a trainer come to his house a few times per week. He’s still drinking like a fish.