Netflix: So I'm watching the latest Katt Williams comedy special (as one does) and holy shit, I've never seen this much alcoholic flop sweat in my life

16  2018-05-07 by crookedmile


He always was a pretty shiny little feller.

Everyting me eat it haffi ites gold & green

Holy shit, gang. If anyone wants another pic, now's probably the time to ask. Our girl is SMASHED.





start off slow. Ask for elbow pics

More of a shoulder man myself.

Another pic?

The new special is HORRENDOUS. Hate to say it but Katt is finished.

I thought he was finished years ago when he got beat up by a child.

Odd name for a special.

Katt Williams: HORRENDOU$

That dude is a mess, he's legitimately crazy. Google the video of him getting beat up by a teen.

For sure. Its the only reason to tune in

he's so tiny and awful, why does every skinny black pimp wannabe think they can morph in and out of being prince and michael jackson any time they want

sitting on grass in front of a brick wall like a homeless guy shouting "I just got out of jail nigga" to an adolescent male. he thought his strike was going to take the kid down and it barely made the impact of a slap. and then he tries doing a secret combination Bruce Lee spinning back kick to the kid, twice. the pink polo shirt wearing teenager had katt in an STF in 3 seconds flat.

Katt would have made a more intimidating impression on video if he had comically done the karate crane and shouted in a silly voice "I don't know karate, but I know kuh-RAAAAAYZEEE!"

