I went out and Dave landua’s wife was bartending

0  2018-05-07 by tranthasourus


She looks like she's about to fucking glass you for taking her picture. Just say you were taking pictures of the scaffolding and call her a nigger.

I called her a faggot, faggot doesn’t fly in CO.

Where in xo? Estes park? XD

Idk where I am, but I know everyone here is a sjw queer.

Sounds like boulder

Na it’s not Boulder I know that much, if it was my dick would be In Some college sluts not sharing Dave landuas fatso wife

I just moved here from Nyc and making everyone uncomfortable by saying faggot and nigger is the only fun derived from living here.

Bro go to estes park and they have this place that sells like.... Cherry drinks and they have all these red bottles outside that you can steal. Most fun you can have in co besides feeding dumb ass elk

Listen this city sucks all I do is fuck tinder and bumble bitches in 2 months I got 10 under the belt I’ll drop names if necessary, first names. Idk these whores last names.

I prolly know them

Maybe it is a small town

Did ya?

Yea I did that wasn’t sarcastic.

She didn’t know I tom her pic if she did I’d probably get body slammed

She's looking directly into the camera part of your phone and she looks pissed. She knows what you were doing. You fool. You goddamned fool.

It wasn’t that hard Abe, I just took a pic while I pretended to text someone.

Why would I care either way?

Not fat enough

Im such a fuckin bitch whogets drunk off of hard cider and refuses to throw up bcthwy swallowed $50 worth of meds and my no good baby daddy keeps callibg from a blocked number and i aint ansering lord have mercy 😓

Hard cider is fucking gross. It tastes like vinegar.

I don't know what to tell you about all that other shit. But yes, Lord have mercy. Great googly moogly.

I know right last week i got the semi sweett Stuff and it was nothing so today i decided to go all in with the dry version and im literally dead

I'm trying to tone down the drinking so I'm just getting super duper high off some UK cheese I got from a dirty native and eating dill pickles like a motherfucker. You should eat some pickles and drink a bunch of water.

Im afraid water will make me throw up but thanx

I’ll give you a 6 pack of hard cider for a blow job

Maybe tomorrow

Whatever I’ll take your mouth on my dick any day. I’ll fly you to Co and we can can show with the princess make some real cheeda

Bro im telling you watch an elk take a shit its like a door opens and all these pebbles drop out its awesome

in the context of this sub, she's hot... right??

If lunchlady arms and several chins reminiscent of a young Amy Schumer make your pecker tingly then fuck yeah, man. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I'm kidding. She's chubbsy wubbsy.

Compared to Mrs. Laundau I guess so

Every one of you fat fucks would have a go at her. I’d wouldn’t mind giving her a solid rogering.

I’m not fat, fatso.

Yeah you are.

Thicc. I'd treat her like a lady.

You are a lady...tssss

She's got that mad "you best not be using me for a Dave Landau's wife joke" face.

We tipped her I bacon fat, we good

This girl isn’t that fat.

Yea, you are!

No, you!

Ok you got me

Has anyone heard of fat girls calling themselves “slim thick” cause some fattys have Snapchated me with this phrase and I replied that’s an oxymoron there is no such thing.

Unless you have your camera on Panoramic it's not Landau's wife.

No it is

Just overweight enough to lack the self esteem to reject my aggressive heavy petting.

You sound like you’d get a great blow job from her