Even if you feel like defending Opie these days(because you're a faggot), don't forget why we're here: To affect the lives of the bbboys.

2  2018-05-06 by Every1ShouldBKilled

We've been consistently challenged by all three of them - in one way or another - into accepting that we don't have any affect on their lives, careers, relationships, etc. And yet their current emotional states now are due, in part, to our intervention.

Defending Opie is not fun. It's not right, but it's also not fun either. If we wanted them to be happy, then this place wouldn't exist. They all suck now, they're shitty people IRL, and they've all decided that we don't matter. ALL OF THEM. So why defend any of them, when it's better to fuck with them(knowing that it absolutely IS affecting them), while having a couple of laughs along the way?


MY RESPONSE: I don't fawkin deal with the haters. Period!

Has there been an overwhelming amoint of opie support in the sub lately?

little too much...

Just a taste, lil bit, lil bit.

I only hate Jim Norton. Hate him. Opie is a Dick. Ant is a perverted old man. Jim is a Faggot. A limp wrist-ed queer little worm who talks down to people, no matter if they are fans, haters or stars. Unaware little Faggot always ignoring those around him staring at his phone. I don't know how he focuses for the hour but I love Chip. Morton is still a Faggot though.

The way they suffer the most is if they all fail and they are forced to work together out of desperation.

I came here because i'm a fan of O&A. I will continue to be so.

Appropriate username

Finally someone who got the joke, faggot.

nice bit!

That's the BIT! Or not. It's fucking douchy.

Fuck yeah I nominate this guy as Leader of the Pests!!