Joey Diaz Falls Asleep Listening to Bert Kiss His Ass

14  2018-05-06 by BackstabbingSammy


As he should have. This unfunny jew is only in show business because he hangs around people with marginal talent and does nothing but compliment them. It's literally like hanging around actors and saying "bro, loved you in The Matrix, you were great" except actors don't need validation from fanboys because they get blown a lot.

Never heard joey diaz’s comedy is he any good?everyone talks about him like hes attel or somthing

No. He tells a good story and is funny doing it but his stand up stinks

His stand up is great, he's a funny fuck. He comes to our open mic spot several times a week at this point just to work shit out, he's fucking hilarious (most of the time) but if you get to hear his stories and shit out in the parking lot after, it's even funnier. He's a maniac.

Is he?

Yes,"too cool for the room" guy.

His stories are entertaining at first, until you start to realIze what an absolute degenerate criminal creep he was. People don’t change that much.

I think I hate Bert more than just about anyone

I mean how long ago was this? If it's recent he's probably back on the h train.

He is a 60 year old man that smokes a ton of weed and does stand up until 2am. It's very likely he just fell asleep

Yes, but not likely not nodding out like that.

im sure being fat like that has brought on its fair share of health/sleeping issues.

Joey seems like he’s more of an indica guy, he’s probably smoking a ton of heavy shit and just got couch-locked. Plus all the edibles he eats

Man that was annoying immediately

This is the second time. Uncle Joey needs to see a doctor.