Compound Media could have had Gavin, Legion of Skanks, a profitable freemium model, a functioning app and website, and who knows what else if Ant didn't hire Keith to run everything

268  2018-05-06 by Single_Action_Army

They might have even been able to poach the Rebel Media exodus and become pretty big if they knew what they were doing and put actual effort in.
Nice not being able to say no to your drinking buddies/pedophelia evidence wipers, stupid.


Keith the Cop is a dunderhead.

And Milo too, honestly.

And Nick. And Erock. And Jimmy.

That would give you a main lineup of:

1) LoS 2) Gavin 3) Nick 4) Erock 5) Jimmy 6) Milo 7) Artie/Anthony

Fill in with decent shows like Burning Bridges and Mornin and it would be a really solid podcast network.

Just because you're pleasant with someone on mic, it doesn't mean you can't think they are a piece of shit. People like Erick or Nick would never sign with Anthony. Especially if he's still drinking and getting arrested. Keith is a real numskull, excuse my French, but no level of production makes up for pedophilia, racism, and women biting.

He may not be friends with Erock, but Anthony is legitimate friends with Nick. He could never figure out how to get him to join the network.

Nick’s views are spot-on for the network. It’s a huge fumble not being able to get him.

I just remember CM, despite Keith, actually having some momentum going into 2016. The year where any edgelord conservative was going to make money, but that arrest changed everything.

He had to resort to biting that girl, does his show have callers? Why isn't this the only topic of conversation on this sub. He bit a women.

It has been and was. We lost sight of that when he started fucking a teenage ladyboy in his house.

Nick would rather host a show with Rachel Maddow than with ant

I didn’t say he’d host with Anthony. He would have his own show on the network.

I like nick dip on other peoples show but on his own he gets into ranting right wing shit as much as ant, maybe slightly funnier takes but they need less of that to bring in more subs

Look I may not like the fact that he's a pedophile and a woman biter but ehhh what was the other thing you said

No one actually wants to listen to Erock, that boring, docile bovine.

But yeah, your point still stands.

Have a running gag where the cameras never work for Erock's show; see how long it takes him to catch on that no-one wants to look at him.

Milo can't fill an hour of radio a week. His gimmick is that terrible.

I’m not saying it’s not. But he’s a bigger, more controversial name than a fat nodding off heroin addict.

gavin cant either. he rehashes the same shit constantly.

Ant would try to fuck him.

And get mad when Milo politely turns him down because he’s married.

More like Keith the Stupid Fucking Retarded Piece of Shit Idiot. Amirite, gang?

A bit wordy but yeah that's the idea.

It's not too wordy. It's perfect and It's gonna catch on.

I already have "KTSFRPOSI" bumper stickers being printed brothaman! Just wait till me and the Pests start spreading them around at O&A sticker stops!

Nothing like getting a "Groupon" to solidify your desire to be hopeless white trash and a jew about it.

Basically a synonym for "cop." maaaaaaahn

Isn't funny how it's just true now?

Uniformed cops are hated by their own

Says who? Cops tribalistcally defend each other, not caring about right and wrong, just "us versus them" (all civilians)

They do. That's one thing black people fail to understand...cops are assholes to us as well...

their wives are cunts too. i work with a bunch of them in the school system. the old adage "those that cant work, teach" is very much a truth.

Any hot kids you got your eye on?

i usually just try and give the 8th graders some common sense life advice to take to high school with them. race realism, (((who is in charge))), and 'future for white children' kind of stuff.

That is the best comment I have ever seen on Reddit, God bless you Sir!

Keith is a fool of epic proportions.

He's steeped in folly.

Ant had declined Mr. Gomez's offer to replace Keith several times before GaS. Ant said in each occassion he needed a producer who could carry a gun...and I guess one whom also had a boat for their Fire Island excursions.

The gun thing can't possibly be it?

It's either that or kick Big A out of the studio.

That monster has a carry permit?

Not that I know of - I'm suggesting that the only thing that'll stop Big A's lust for human flesh is a bad cop with a gun.

He looks like he's fucking bulletproof

In rest of the country, that's like asking, "He stood in line for 5 minutes!?"


Would be a real ass move to answer this question

And if you could answer why your girlfriend is so unfunny, that'd be the cherry on top.

Why would Nick Mullen be able to answer the question?

i was going to type a bunch of things i know about guns laws, but i'll keep it short and just say "yes"

Gas is a pile of shit too.

Gavin and LOS??!! Oh boy sign me up!!

They both have pretty good sized followings.

can't i hate queers AND be a mexican stoner in 3/4 length jorts

Sure why not.Seems to work for Kevin Smith.

GAS Digital are moving into a new dual-studio facility so they can shoot two shows at once; they appear to be legitimately growing.

I enjoyed both shows while they were on the network

Gavin’s show was funny if you fast forwarded through the interviews of protest retards.

Los is Fucking great

Is it?

Yes. Latest episodes are great. Better than whatever the ONA universe can offer nowadays

Yeah he could've been the centre of a gaggle of right wing morons. Seriously though he's a moron for not sticking with the grift. Bobo would've been great as the host of the incel show.

I'm a virgin with rage, awlroight


He could have had Gregg Hughes and his soccer moms, as well. He could have been a model.


Didn’t Gavin leave for money Anthony just couldn’t offer him?

There clearly isn’t any bad blood between the two - it was just a matter of economics. Gavin left for a big payday.

The dude who organized Charlottesville had apparently been to some proud boy meetups. Gavin McCuck freaked out and has been underground ever since.

Underground ever since

He literally does hour long shows nearly every day.

He bounced away from the "free speech/kinda alt right/kinda hate jews" club as soon as it was getting heavy. From what I've heard, PBs have a pretty b a s e d contingent within it that aren't complete cucks for debauched optics.


I can't belive you've done that...

f a g g o t

Looks like we have a crtv subscriber. Based.

Anthony had to borrow money and use listener's money to get the thing going. He's still in the red.

They could've made a bundle selling a bunch of gay proud boys shirts and other horrible political merch

He can't fire him. There's no way he could do his laundry himself.

I think hes helped Anthony with things that hes too scared will get out.

More like dirty laundry or sumthin..

damn tis bums me out

What bums you out, Compound Media being a miserable failure? Nothing in the Opie & Anthony universe has ever made me happier than watching Ant self destructive. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving asshole.

Ant would still have his job at Sirius/XM if he didn't use Twitter.

But he would still be a pedophile.


I would judge a man by what he says, not what his brother said on the radio

Yet it still wouldn't be entertaining

In other words it could be a 1/10 network instead 0/10

Stepping over Rihanna's fine ass pussy to get to a Russian guy's dick.

You forgot Ron Bennington, Adam Carrolla, and Joe Rogan. AntH could have paid them too, right?

Some people delusionally think AntH's little hobby network based on Long Island would ever have the money to compete with an international satellite radio company or known quantities in Hollywood and podcasting like Rogan and Carolla.

well he has a studio in NYC that he now rents out, which by all accounts, is the only thing keeping CM alive at this point. its not out of the question to think that ant could have had a decent (rivaling CRTV for sure) little podcasting network with some better decision making and foresight.

At one point he DID have Gavin and LOS....that is MTV in its prime compared to the purgatory of obscurity he has now. I havent subscribed for a day and never thought of seeking entertainment in CP but it actually makes me mad at what an incompetent faggot idiot Keith is. He is an Opie level person.

I don't think that Compound Media would be that much more successful without Keith. it would be better, sure, but how much better could it possibly be?

I just don't understand in what world having your ex-cop buddy/errand boy, who does menial tasks for you, run your media network sounds like a good idea.

As far as I’m concerned Compound Media is in a perfect place. I’d hate to see Ant have a successful network, it’s much more fun watching him fail & he’s such a lowlife he doesn’t deserve any good fortune.

Keith essentially being Anthony's partner and head of most of the daily operations of Compound Media has never made sense and really does make the conspiracy theories about Anthony's predilections and unusual taste in women make a lot more sense.

It's like if someone opens a computer store because they know computers and like them and are good at them and have made some good money with them over the ears. They sink a good portion of their money into it, so much so that if it fails it is going to damage their lifestyle adversely and if not bankrupt them it will at the least put them in a position that they'll have to work a regular job again and be at square one. The decide to hire a partner to help them and run the day to day operations and make important decisions and call up their friend who has flipped burgers for a living since high school and barely knows how to use a calculator and give him the job.

Keith is/was a cop. He helped out O&A now and then and came on the show a few times. He was Anthony's glorified houseboy and butler for a while. Where in any of that is his qualification to run a podcast operation and coordinate shows, make advertisement deals, hire talent and make sure their presences on the internet is stable and strong?

I think at last count Keith had fucked up at least 4 deals or possible deals with people supposedly coming to CM or people already there. He's a disaster.

Except Keith actually started the network. If it was left up to Anthony he'd still only be doing his sad compound karaoke shows on periscope.

True. But then once up and running, Keith could have admitted he's out of his depth and not a clue what he's doing...hire somebody qualified.

These people are Italian, aka sand niggerish mentality, pride is too much for self examination. It's always a dream of ours to be "the boss".

He had numerous issues and drama with everyone, he started treating legion of skanks like shit under his boot, thinking compound media is too good for them. Fucking idiot

Italian subs are more Italian than Keith

Let's call it Goodfellas Italian


Keith is just milking Ant for gas money. His 20 year old sedan bridge Searay aint cutting it to make Fire Island trips anymore. "Allegedly"

Faggot. Im talking to you, Keith.

I've said this over and over already: They should've given Gavin the network to run, at the height of the alt-right thing(before Charlottesville). Keith and Ant step down, keep the company in name only, profit off of what it pulls in under different management, AND Ant gets to keep his horrible show.

But they're not smart people who are good at business. They just aren't.

Dave Smith and 'Big' Jay Oakerson are not a big get.

fingerless gloves arent something people take seriously?

like Opie's youtubes of humiliating disabled and disfigured people, Ant's documented pedophilia was and remains too damning to ever get that big

They won't refund my money after putting my sub on auto renew by default. Tranthony Groomia has to pay for his 17 year olds somehow. Dave and Busters gets expensive.


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I think about this a lot. Regardless what you think of his political views, Ant, with his firing and the events going on around 2014-2015, was in the right place at the right time to become a "media destination" for nonleft people.

And he fucked it up because he hired his stupid best friend, the Igor/Renfield to his vile pedophilia, to run his network and deplete his savings.

If Ant just stopped being a self-destructive piece of shit when he got fired, he could have seriously been way better off now, maybe even got back on Sirius. still wasn't a good network, what the fuck is wrong with you lol

True. But then once up and running, Keith could have admitted he's out of his depth and not a clue what he's doing...hire somebody qualified.

He's steeped in folly.