Of course he’s got the phone nearby.

24  2018-05-05 by RBuddCumia


I'd say he looks like a weathered old fuck here, but he's looked like a weathered old fuck since he was like 15 so there's not much point

Cultural appropriation!

He can't even physically let go of it. This retarded, elderly, wet-brained Long Island spaghetti negro can't even let his hand off of the phone. Probably afraid everyone will see his Benzo shakes flaring up...

What a shit table for an expensive home in an expensive area. Someone doing a diy project would do a much better jon or at least be more fucking creative than copypasting a piece of discount store floor onto a table.

It’s a Target table

Antonio has a deep T shaped wrinkle because of all the frowning he does angrily looking at his phone.

Cinco De Pedo

Drink up rummy


He's writing speeches on twitter defending some cop that did something

Of course he is. God do I wish the Cumia story ends with the cops mistaking a Xbox controller for a gun.

Anthony Cumia quakes in fear of his living family finding out who sucked Sue.

He's literally hosting a party at his home, surrounded by friends and family, and he's arguing about black people on Twitter.

Honestly, that’s 90% of people these days

Looks like he remembered his hair piece this time he got photographed in sunlight.

Fucking atrocious landscaping.

As you get closer it's easy to trace


I know. He's attached to his phone just like 95% of everyone who owns a smartphone.

El Faggo.