
41  2018-05-05 by Der-Giftpilz


Don't give Ant any ideas.

Sue is one retarded man.

At least he-she is just having some fun and making money off of closeted faggots that want to fuck it. The worst are the trannies who spend all their time pissing and moaning about how oppressed they are and whining constantly about their stupid dysphoria and suicidal ideation (then get upset when someone suggests they are mentally ill).

I myself think that they should all be killed regardless

I wonder how many gallons of dude load Beavis has been forced to slurp up over the years...

He just walks through it on the tile floor then does that cat foot shake things they do to dry their feet.

Both have licked Ant's balls and asshole

When you wanna cosplay the mechanic from FF15 but your "tits" are too awful to show off.