You can hear jokes like these for only 10 dollars a month!

67  2018-05-05 by RBuddCumia


Not even Chip or Opie would make a joke that unfunny.

Same size as Sue

wait a minute;

I understand the 'prostate simulator' (or stimulator in Anth's case), but what sick trainee doctor needs to see the guy's over-the-table reaction? & will the VR guy cum if you get it right?

u/drsteve103 comment

It's a Japanese dating simulator, isn't it?

it's how you control your anime avatar going to the shops

I'm not aware of any medical school that's actually using that. It's easy enough to get real people to bend over and let you check their prostate.

It's easy enough to get real people to bend over and let you check their prostate.

Absolutely! Even I've been diversifying my work profile since the last financial dip.

hey pal its hard enough for people on this sub to have women bend over, now you're telling me having men bend over is easy?

Yep, and you can charge 'em for an office visit, too

Can I borrow your office?

Tell me about it.

Our school hired guys and paid them 100 dollars an hour. We honestly practiced it for 10 minutes and never did it again. DRE’s are fucking pointless.

Ass eating simulator

Nintendo Wii... hold on a minute... uhhhh... wait I got one... wait... wait... it's like a ... hold on wait... what ... uhhhh ... oh!

Nintendo Wii what is it like Nintendo Wee or something?

Tsss or like Nintendo penis

thats vulgah

Dvvv dvvvv fawk yeah it is!!

Or like Nintendo Poo.

"Do you have this game?"

"I hosted a show with him for 20 years."

Ant needs an instant feedback with this sub for his tweets.

XBox Lightning Controller (sounds like it could exist)

'Gaystation'... careful, Sony might Sue you. tss

(I dunno, jus riffin')

XBOX!... wait... hold on... wait... wait... wait... wait...

Xbox what is it like SEXbox or something?

Did they replay raise it to $10, I though $7 was outrageous but if it’s $10 I’m calling the BBB to report this.

Tsss yer a switch? I like variety too!

[Indian accent] :

"welcome to Microsoft customer services, my name is Peter..."


Isn’t a compound media subscription $11.99 now?

As much as a 2-screen Netflix subscription.

He’s been very pun heavy ever since this new account came to life

Anthony has become Opie.

He had this game but the controller stopped working when he installed tits on it.

That's it. Anthony's done. He just made the joke every kid made when the PS1 came out in the 90s. There's no coming back. All we have are old broadcasts. He's dead.

Your mom's Xbox.

Tsss or like Nintendo penis

Or like Nintendo Poo.