What conservative man in his 50s hasn't looked over at his sofa and seen a boy in a dress playing with his guns? If you think there's anything weird or sexual about this then YOU'RE the one with the problem.

221  2018-05-05 by ImDyingOvaHere


Little Boy "hope I don't unload this gun on you '

Cumia (Dice mode)" forget unloading the gun, unload your Yambag over my face guggooo

How many times do you think Ant has done Dice to people who have never heard of him?

You forgot sex worker.

We call them what they are around here, sir: fucking whores

Its utter joy,she has to be thinking i hit my new low sleeping with him,now i'm going to get my tits and be a real girl now

Say "now" again, stupid

seems like traditional family values to me


I'm sure this scene from The Professional is completely coincidental and not what he paid her to roleplay.

No women, just kids

That's the rules.

Natalie BornMan

Mohammad: The Professional


Sorry LIBTARD I like tranny prostitutes on Twitter, not black women with TV shows

Sucking a tiny shriveled up from HRT penis to own libs.

Does he wear a scarf to cover the Adams apple

Why did he even take pictures of this?

It's got two of his favourite things in it to whack off to, gun and 14 year old boy

Whatever Sue wants, Sue gets.

It doesn't mean they fucked, and so what if they did?

It means Anthony had a tiny penis in his mouth and Sue didn't have those awful implants yet, so he fucked a teenage boy with a bob cut and make up.

There's PLENTY of reasons to have a male transvestite sex worker in your hotel room that don't involve sexual activity. Like... Umm. Well...

That's his house; the hotel room is a different photo.

I don't need to see a pic of Anthony with a dick in his mouth, thanks.

Is Bob Cut his name or sumptin?!

It doesn't mean they fucked, and so what if they did?

It means Anthony pays for hairy ass man sex, which is illegal

He likes Columbo reruns, FBI Crime Stats, nouveau riche interior design, and reactionary politics.

She likes anime and video games.

So naturally, they became 100% platonic friends with a ton in common and endless topics to discuss.

Pretending to like reactionary politics, christ he loves breaking the law, beating/biting women and xanax

She likes to watch him get drunk and sing "Tom Sawyer" and "Broken Wings" at 3 am. What's wrong with that? You don't think dudes like broing out in a private karaoke bars?

the mutual enjoyment of penis may have also been a factor

Anthony likes video games and Loli Hentai. They're not so dissimilar as this sub makes them out to be. You make it sound like they only fucked. I say it was love.

So proud that I have no idea what Lola Hentai means.

Google it it's fun

Oh you knucklehead

Sue was fun, now back to obscurity with you! 😂😂

And so what if I did!? Who cares? - Said the gay man.

"I gotta tweet how hot this looks, so what if she's a man?"


Donald Rumsfeld has a young companion called Jenny Sparkles, such a kind helper to an old lizard man. She used to be a stable boy but old Rumsy spotted her body and got her hormones.

Looks like Anthony was recreating a scene from The Professional.

"Your point?" Trampa's new catchphrase.

"boogers, niggers, boogers, niggers" - Ant's constant monologue.

anthony is a walking stereotype of everything that’s bad about conservatives (dimwit, racist, hypocrite, criminal), with none of the good qualities (liberty, family values, intelligence, service to country, etc)

Adam Lanza has never looked so beautiful

Of course the item she's playing with in Tranpa's house is big and black.

Why does that bother you?

Hoover & Tolson were less obvious.

History humor.

“The trans is cuter.”

You’re the one with the problem, MAAAAAAN !

Look how manly those arms are yikes

Ah, those bewildering moments when you don't know whether to chastise your bought concubine for improper gun safety & handling like he was a rambunctious nephew, or to use her scarf to wipe each other down after a gargle session. Best to hedge your bets and bone the boy-tart while doing a Boy-Scout-Pack-Master impression talking about finger discipline & barrel friction.

Ant got it in the ass by a little sissy boy.

Poor Beavis