Nana’s book is his last gasp for money.

70  2018-05-05 by Edgartooth

I believe that the upcoming “Tell-All Book” from Anth is a desperate move by someone who is feeling the financial crunch from his sinking “media business”. I’m not saying he’s a month away from true financial failure, but there is a driver for this and that driver is his faltering cash flow.

His “network” consists of the people who work for essentially no money, just exposure on Compound Media. There’s a really short shelf-life for that. Shows will start to shut down out of fatigue, lack of interest and shitty production. It’s coming soon.

The random unjustifiable rate hikes -intended to drive annual membership signups to bring in cash today - tell me that Compound Media is nearing its final stages and hasn’t been profitable for a while now. Given the lack of any management at the company, the drama surrounding this meltdown will ironically be the only entertaining phase of Compound Media.

Finally, more Twitter bans -> more obscurity -> smaller pool of potential book purchasers. This, along with a general lonely-guy obsession with the platform, is why he’s relatively cautious on there these days. “Mister Free Speech” can’t afford it anymore.

It’s delicious.


I would convert to Islam if I thought it would make this happen

You would anyway if you valued your soul.

With a few notable exceptions nobody makes real money from books. It's an ego thing. O'Rielly did it with his "killing" series but he had a huge built in audience of uneducated what trash that wanted to consume all of the Civil war in 238 pages. Not much money to be had here. I expect it is an attempt to rehabilitate his image by doing a TV book tour. But we are not going to let that happen, are we? Who the hell is the ghost writer of this mess?

It takes only like 1000 copies to make NYT bestseller

If he gets on a Fox show or two he will sell a bunch. The exposure might pump up subs for a bit, until people listen

Isn't he banned from Fox News?

not really that you mention it he hasn't show up in a bit

Yep. Due to the Dani DV incident.

Bingo. Books don't really make money unless they sell a zillion copies.

He had the ghost writers on his show (there's 2 or 3 of them) a while back.

Honestly I doubt if he even OWNS a book now. I presume he can read after getting all his information from TV for so many years who knows? I mean he reads right wing blogs and tweets? If he is smart (he is not) he will not shit all over everyone he met on the way up, but his track record has not been so good on that so far

Revelation 1: Brother Joe was Richard tree house

Even bigger revelation: anthony was Richard all along.

Biggest Revelation: Anthony asked to suck Richard's dick, which led poor Richard to turn gay because he felt attractive.

Nobody fucking knows who he is. The book wouldn't even be published by a major publisher. It's anthony Cumia... Remember that show opie and anthony?... No? It was kind of like Howard Stern. He's the one not named opie.

Yeah, that guy has an actual job.

Anthony Cumia that's kind of like Howard Stern... Oh you mean the guy in Chicago - Mancow? No? Ooooh, isn't he Bubba-the-love-something?? Oh uh... you sure you're not thinking of Tom Leykis?

Thank you and an updoot for remembering who the fuck Tom Leykis ever was.

"Compund Publishing". Editing by Keith Maresca

Wunce up on a tiem theyre wuz a littel blck child naimed Antony

With a foreword by Joe Currie.


im fucking dying

Oh, when he goes crawling back to Tits out of desperation, the taste of his suffering will be so sweet...

Gavin leaving killed Compound, and Deep Discount is their main sponsor but I'm convinced Cumia at least part owns that shit.

Gavin left?

Gavin was there?



Gavin the right wing drunk guy, that shoved dilidoes up his ass and drank piss.

I’m convinced Cumia at least part owns that (Deep Discount) shit.

Makes perfect sense

Search “Anthony Cumia” and look at the returns ... the book is DOA

haha. Now? Really he needs to just drop everything and move away.

What could he possibly write about that we haven't heard already? Unless it's Concho Pete erotica I'm out.

If he wanted to come out with a book, he should've done it while he still had some juice. Nobody knows who the fuck he is anymore.

From Raghead to Riches to Obscurity

He would rather lose everything, then have an awkward conversation with Keith what a dummy.

He must think it will be a bestseller like Jimmy's book. Which I now regret buying
