Tranthony paid to have sex with this.

11  2018-05-05 by HitWithTheWOWeffect


Why does that dorky looking boy have a girls wig on?

Paid how much though?

His respect

New tits for boy named Sue.

This is an adult man

No SHE is not a man, sure she may have been born with a penis and testicles, and yes she still has a penis and testicles, the genitals males have exclusively, but calling her a man based on biological facts just shows how bigoted you are

Would you rather fuck that or Buck Angel?

Buck Angel. Afterwards I could fist bump him and be like "sick pussy bro"

"sick pussy bro"

sounds like a band name

Fronted by a lacrosse player

The fact that so many of these creatures are avidly into anime makes me secure in my decision to never watch anime.

Anime more like Anigay amirite?

Seriously what the fuck is that about?

Well damn, that is food for thought. Chris Chan makes much more sense now.

you're welcome bro

Lucky Chloe is trash tier.

I don't know what that is and you shouldn't either.

She's from the game Tekken

Ok so hes made at least 1 good financial decision, what's your point?