Nice legs, dame!

25  2018-05-05 by RBuddCumia


Can someone shop out that gross vagina?

Yeah, its yucky

Nice stems.

Yea and her legs ain't bad either.

Can't even trust a woman to dress herself properly

Hey, I see my wallet.

Grow your hair longer and get the tattoo removed and I might -- repeat MIGHT -- consider holding your hand lady.

What,no pecka.

And there are alleged straight guys on here who don't eat ass

who came out as non eater of ass?

I didn't start a list of our sub's users who don't eat ass so I can't name them. But they're out there, and they should be ashamed

The first thing I think when I see a nice lass is that I want to see her asshole and give it a nice sniff.

Pretty girls still shit.

Good girls use wet wipes and shower

I'd allow her to fuck me

Her hiney looks like a heart.

The way it's supposed to.