Anyone know the date of the J&S show where Intern Nico lies about having sex and getting caught for slick talk?

0  2018-05-05 by Damn_Croissant

I think it might have been in December but I'm not sure. I've been searching all around for it.



have you tried searching at the end of a shotgun barrell?


I found it, that was a hilarious bit man. Here it is; enjoy

Idc what the downvotes say this is top comment

Thanks, tbh im absolutely stunned at the response to what i think was fairly inspired

J&S ? Really? You faggot.

Yeah. Didn't want to type it out and make the title too long

Oh my god, you retard. That’s not what I forget it.

Sorry I don't frequent this sub to know that no one likes that show.

Stick around, we can teach you a few things.

Nah. Just wanted to find that one ep. I've been here before and it's not really for me. I mean, look at the comments I've gotten here for one simple question.

Even got mentioned in another thread. Have a good one

This is an inclusive and respectful community. We make jokes, some might come off as hard but the are delivered with care and affection. You don’t have to stay, I don’t care either way, but you sound like the type of fella it might do some good.