Stop saying that Opie has balls or courage of any kind.

0  2018-05-04 by NortheastPhilly

People saying shit like “at least Opie called Ant out” and “at least Opie has some balls.”

Opie is fucking GREGGSHELLS. For 20 years nobody could so much as chuckle at his expense so shut the fuck up.


That says more about Ant and Jimmy being fags than anything else. Opie was the Alpha, can you believe that shit?

yes I can, that's how big a pair of bitchboys jimmy and ant are.

Opie is a god amongst men. At least for a couple hours.

Being a thin-skinned douche with no sense of humor and no ability to take a joke is not an issue of balls.

And besides, Ant and Jim aren't great at laughing at themselves either. Jim went off on a 20 year old Ron and Fez intern for like 20 minutes because she dared to say he was too old for her. And Ant blocks anyone who isn't a ball washer.

I hate Jim and Ant as much as the next guy, but I’ll never stoop as low to give Opie credit for jackshit

Makes me sick to ever see a nice word written about Opie here. The man's irredeemable.

Opie was cycling in his last vid... in radio he has a strong arm as he throws his lance

Opie has some balls


I have no love for Opie but the fact that greggshells existed for 20 years is a testament to how spineless all of his co-workers were & still are. Any real man would have called him out on his shit eventually even if it went losing a lucrative job.