Grandfather breaks down crying as he describes the 6 million Jewish people found in just one small 10 x 10 ft pit in nazi Germany.

1  2018-05-04 by Prosbora


No hes crying because Danny wasn't in that pile.

How many times do we need to hear about the holocaust. Enough. There’s been plenty of genocides but the stinky smelly Jews insist on shoving this shit down our throats. Fuck Danny and his kike ancestors.

Word on the street is that the Holocaust never happened, fam

Or at the very least those numbasssss are inflated a little bit

Stop punching right, faggot

Stalin was miles above Hitler, but he never gets any credit.

How dare you say such a thing? Sir are you aware over 3000 Jewish people lost their lives? Educate yourself

You should post more irrelevant and non-funny things to this subreddit.

I think he posts enough already.

Oh christ the mde chuckleheads are here.

Four thousand shows on adult swim to choose from. All are either apolitical or liberal.

One conservative show is allowed on.


Yeah I know thats what they told you but it's not what happened. Do the research, the show wasnt popular even by cartoon network standards. So if you're not popular and you start being difficult they dont give you anymore money. There's no liberal counter example for you to show bias, either. Stop crying. Douche bags who werent talented enough to be genuinely funny made a hack, ironically bad show to appeal to jaded millennials. It's the dumbest fucking hill in the world to die on.

They tried to rip off tim and eric, but tim and eric is fucking awful garbage so it's a shit ripoff of a shit show made for retarded manbaby stoner retards.

I wonder how that could possibly fail, must be the libtards fam.

could have said any number of valid things but u just had to choose the most autistic

Oh, u mad I bashed the shitshow tim and eric? Kill yourself, that show is objectively unfunny garbage and liking it means you are most like retarded and have shit taste.

no retard im saying that t&e and mde are vastly different besides being fucking sketch comedy shows

We're not gonna die on this hill because we're gonna take the hill victoriously. MDE will return to Cartoon Network and prime-time scheduling will be all MDE. From 6pm to 8pm will be just MDE, MDE reruns, MDE spinoffs, and advertisements for MDE episodes on other days. You wait and see. MDE's coming back.

You watch wrestling

Yeah and when a wrestler that isn't particularly popular fucks up they take him off TV too because why wouldnt they.

Ant would be hard as a rock if he were to see this.

The old man crying or the little girl?

He's weeping because he never got his turn on the masturbation machine or the holocoaster.

Yeah I know thats what they told you but it's not what happened. Do the research, the show wasnt popular even by cartoon network standards. So if you're not popular and you start being difficult they dont give you anymore money. There's no liberal counter example for you to show bias, either. Stop crying. Douche bags who werent talented enough to be genuinely funny made a hack, ironically bad show to appeal to jaded millennials. It's the dumbest fucking hill in the world to die on.