Yuck I might crash my car on purpose

82  2018-05-04 by peopleforgetthat


Please do.

Perfect Highway sign.

As long as you're not risking endangering any audio equipment, go for it. October the 3rd be with you

Did you have to look that up or do you have the date memorized?

It's my bday. We're going to have a huge party complete with a jeep pinata

I got paranoid for a second wondering why you brought up that date. It's my birthday, too. Small world.

Well shit. Today is my mothers birthday.

No way. Tomorrow is my mother's birthday 😮

Wtf! My mother also has a birthday!!

You are all fucking pathetic, this reads like a normal reddit thread and you should all be ashamed.


Don't damage any Vizio branded equipment is all we wanted, drive safe

if thats what it fucking takes

Put up or shut up

Hopefully Ol' Booze Bag Harrison Ford crashes his plane into it.

Harrison Ford is a friend-of-a-friend. (Seriously.) From what I hear, he is stoned 24x7.

Indiana Stoned or sumpthin

How's the traffic on the ol GW Parkway?

I live near dc too! What a small world!

Slow down, holmes. Take it easy on the fellas, ese.

I was driving a carpool and said that and everyone laughed.

Cheap joke telling bag of shit I am. I feel so dirty.

Tbf I am more happy seeing these kind of humor than the "I iZ le gay homosexual" at this point


Welcome to Virginia mother fucker

My gf said that to me this morning and I kicked her tits off

Underrated comment.

Jew Wars

New star wars is so fucking gay.

That shit was supposed to stay in the 70s and 80s and be something cool u watched years later as a weird sci fi movie from 40 years ago with puppets

Its not supposed to be like a faggy thing still around

Miraculously I made it through the entire day without anyone referencing the date tie-in. Either means more people are wising up to the necessity of lame Star Wars to be ignored, or I just have increasingly little human contact.

People who still invest time in Star Wars are faggots and manchildren (sometimes both). Star Wars are produced and pumped out not for story, but to sell action figures to children too young to understand the shift that the original trilogy created in filmmaking. They advertise Star Wars and Marvel films on fucking Dole bananas for Christ sake. The fact people still anxiously wait to see this linear garbage makes me hope for a plate tectonic shift that causes a super volcano to black out the sun.

Well shit. Today is my mothers birthday.