47  2018-05-04 by Loskanksfan


The linked tweet was tweeted by @AnthonyCumiacm on May 04, 2018 07:27:44 UTC (0 Retweets | 3 Favorites)

So what’s your point? I’m asking you. Regardless if we hung out or did anything else , why does my life matter to you?

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Finally he admits he's the faggot we all know him to be.


First comes love, then comes an unmistakable bulge under a dress.

... go on...

Then cums Sue, Ant licks up the mess.

Sue has most definitely blown him

Before the jacuzzi?

Artie is gonna need to know he shares a show with a mo.

I think this might just be our masterpiece.

God dammit. Ant is still hilarious.

Side note i finally watched the show where Ronny B and that Colin flahearityeay guy got into it. What a trainwreck.

"he just got lost along the way."

Anthony "family values" Cumia likes to get his salad tossed by a mentally ill young man

why does my life matter to you?

Good old 'mind my own business' Cumia. It's not like he butts his arab nose into every liberal public figure's life to fling shit at the left.

why does my life matter to you?

someone tell him that he chose to live a public life, and if he wants out, well then back to obscurity with him

why does my life matter to you?

Spends life complaining about black people he never interacts with.

He regularly shares a majority of his "private life" with the public. The way he was exposed for having a relationship with a 12 year old looking tranny prostitute was because Sue commented on his public social media saying he misses him and loves riding in his Jag. You don't get to pick and choose what the public must ignore from your "private" life, Tony.

lol just needs a dynamite vest

Sue? I fucked him... AGOOOOSSSH

Oh boy this is good. This is an admission as far as I’m concerned.

A gay right wing republican, a gay racist, a gay tranpa.. now we can add the title, a gay, to anything he is now and will be forever.

A gay twitter user A gay podcast host A gay hypocrite

they might be sitting in a tree but they both stand up to pee