What is it exactly ?

24  2018-05-04 by SteveTech74


This is a shill and Anthony pretending his asshole isn't hurting that Opie is back.

Individually placed click farms

Next, Corrado will chime in

It’s a flaming pile of shit. I couldn’t imagine it either.

4 years ago I would have been thinking that in 4 years the show will be dead. Truly outlived my expectations

His show was funnier 4 years ago without all the crew and shit, and funnier still a decade ago when it was Live from the Compound and just Ant.

10 years of alcohol-induced brain damage earlier...

Yup. His show was hit or miss in the early days but still worth tuning in.

I'm still rooting for Ant, unlike some people here, but his show is unwatchable now.

Remember a year or two ago everyone said all he needs is a co host, even no name start up comedians

what he really needed was a studio in the city.

and look how well that's turned out

So he’s saying Compound Media has exceeded all expectations…😂😂😂

What a remarkably limited imagination he must have

Yawn, it's not even real show business

I think it refers to Sue's "6 million dollar man" body they have been building.

Real show biz
