Its Compound party season at Tranpa’s

35  2018-05-04 by SteveTech74


Nice Back 40, Ant.

TSSS... Ass fucking.

I can only imagine the raucous activity that goes down as Anth's baby boomer crew drinks their Bud Lite, has TV Party playing on medium and they have a real life female there

They go B Double L for Cinco.

Think they’ll bring that one house nigger?

Ah yes, Carlton, the negro with no self respect

He’s basically one of those “Get Out” zombies is my guess.

How is a house full of drunk, fat ballwashers and homely broads different on Cinco de Mayo than any other weekend there?

They replace all the black jokes with mexican ones.

Chato Reyes banged Anthony’s mouth.

His neighbors must love him.

I paid 350 grand for my house a few towns over and my yard is 5 times bigger

Where are you, big spender?

In the Konk?

Yeah but you're probably not a dumb wop

Not even hiding how close his neighbors are. Can't wait until those associate lawyers decide they want the disgraced radio host gone.

Anthony: "Hoo boy, thank god the winter is over. Can't wait to crack a Bud-Lite™© and go shooting guns out in the Great Outdoors!"

proceeds to sit inside for 14 hours a day telling people on twitter to go back to obscurity, run over hookers in GTA 5, and make Dick Van Dyke references after he attacks his new girlfriend

Where the fuck is my gun?

trips over ottoman


HA HA HOLLEEEEE SHIT.......fucking back yard game is weak for a million dollar house.Looks like any shit track house in my neighborhood.

Lol that’s his backyard? Shits on top of the house next door. Long Island - I know but you’d think he could afford some property.

It's embarrassing

It's impressive that everything he owns is so shitty. So much money spent and he's never even accidentally bought one nice thing. That fence, trellis, and table/chair set are all from fucking Home Depot.

"My plastic dinosaur is custom airbrushed, loser!"

I think the aftermarket Roman columns throughout the house add a special Wonder Bread Wop charm to the place.

Agabbagoooshhhhh, n' shiznit.

Just like the ones in the Sopranos house, under the bedroom TV, and also the shitty painting behind their bed.

Look at the opacity of his pool water. Niggas culturing phytoplankton in that disgusting swamp he calls a pool.

It's weird, from this angle it looks like a pretty average middle class yard.

The dinosaur I think is from the now defunct Skymall. Somebody from here found it and posted it, it was like a grand and change.

There's a house in the Fan in Richmond with the exact same raptor statue. It looks stupid no matter where it is

Is that the whole yard?
Where the fuck is the grass?

Italians concrete EVERYTHING, cmon.

Oh, wow, racial stereotyping, cool... NOT!!!

Don’t have a cow, man!

But enough about Amy Schumer

Let’s get off the topics of Amy Schumers; after all, I just got off of yours.

Gotta love a "compound" with less of a yard than your average middle class suburban lot

the entire compound is only 1/4 acre. I'm not kidding.

“Keith, take the cover off the velociraptor.” what Anthony says to his cop-servant before the daily fellating

Shitty looking Mexican backyard

LOL - I remember when I first heard about the compound... I was thinking much different that a McMansion back yard with a dinosaur.

"Compound" It's a fucking quarter acre back yard. You could mow it with a hand mower in 18 minutes

Quarter acre is being extremely generous.

It’s funny how most of you fags would love to be hanging out there.

It's a tiny yard with a poorly-designed swimming pool - what exactly is unique or appealing about it to you?

I’m not obsessing over the design of his pool.

You know how you can look at something, and realise it's going to fall over? And it's an instantaneous reaction?

Same thing with the pool - I look at it, I see that it's not long enough for laps, I see that the sides have some weird pinch in the middle. and those steps on the right are blocking way too much of it - and all that tells me it's poorly designed.

No, you fucking Compound Media-subscribing sucker. Just because you fantasize about hanging out there doesn't mean everyone else does. People like you still see Anthony as this Great Gatsby cool guy who has awesome parties even though his cover has been blown. It's going to be 6 middle aged fat men playing cards and drinking white trash beer.

You’re very obsessive over this man.

I knew you would post some faggy reply like that because you have nothing to say to the contrary.

I don’t need to say much more to someone who gets angry about the specifics of an old radio hosts backyard. You need help.

Pointing out that you're a raging homosexual doesn't mean I'm angry. Reply to me a few more times, sissy.

You’ll be happy one day, I hope.

All of your replies read like "Reddit Insults 101." Maybe one day you'll develop a personality to call your own.

I’m not insulting. I stopped that a while ago when it was clear you really might have some mental health issues. I’m not into bullying.


I think you need some friends dude. Maybe log off reddit for a while.


What a pool.

Apartment complexes have bigger pools, and slightly less pedos and children in them.

Nice power lines, stupid

It really is an awful view.

you can hear the hum of the Northern State Parkway from his yard, too.

Only a man who wants to attract children has a fuckin raptor in their backyard.

I don't get the hate for his pad.

It's a decent sized lot with a nice pool/patio that's 40 minutes or so from Manhattan.

Shit on the ugly cunt all you want.. but this surely isn't a shitty place to live.

There was a time when such a weekend would have tons of hot chicks. He went from hot TV-traffic girls, to models, to cute locals, to Golightly, to trannies, to old poker buddies.

Who wants a pool if the neighbors can spy on you? At least for the amount he pays.

"No deoderant can tame" Fred from Brookyln will show no doubt

I wonder how many of Freds toes have been found in that pool?

I wish I was cool enough to have a pool. WOWWWWWWWWW!

Nothing shouts Glamour more than half naked, diabetes riddled, overweight, internet tough guys in a murky pool waiting for the Child smuggler to show up with the 13 yr olds. Karaoke anyone? the 65 yr old man of the house wants to sing Neil Diamond.

Bobo is also invited and should show up after his thirteen train connections and eight hour cab ride.

ewww. a highlight is a power game? who the fuck still plays poker

My backyard is a significantly nicer than this and I’m far from a millionaire. What a mongoloid.

Can't wait to see Colin Faggotry out there with his doughey titties, fishin' racist lawn jockeys out of the skimmer basket.

It's embarrassing