Internet tough guy Danny Ross ✡️, who likes challenging people to fights, reported me for a violent threat against him. Fag.

50  2018-05-04 by 1428ElmStreet



Ahhh. ahhh. ah.


A rat in every sense of the word.

As there's a thread on the front page:


fucking idiots.

Hey I thought you were pretending like you stopped lurking here. Guess it's really gotten to the lil tranny kike.

I keep hoping somebody has something more to say than kike.

I keep hoping somebody has something more to say than kike.

When they do you don't acknowledge it

Short kike

Whole family is rats.

Danny Ross was last spotted in the kitchen of a popular restaurant in the heart of Huntington, NY.

I thought it was against your religion to drop a dime.

I don't practice religion. It's for weak dolts.

You have a nose big enough to store your brain. That's how Jewish you are.

You came here multiple times begging for money. That's how Jewish you are.

I eat bacon and have tattoos.

Faaawk what a bad ass.

Bite sized kike tranny.

Cmon man, im trying but you make it difficult....

You guys post threads about every Tweet of Anthony's you report. This guy wanted a Patreon for somebody to stalk me. WTF?

I dont. I just let the kids play in the mud. Dont jump in too

You need to hold up a mirror when you forget what you look like.

Yes. I let the hive mind here do its thing. Fight it and you will be drowned. You dont have to play into them

But then there are those that say the hive mind doesn't exist when it clearly does.

Yes. I let the hive mind here do its thing. Fight it and you will be drowned. You dont have to play into them though

Yes. I let the hive mind here do its thing. Fight it and you will be drowned. You dont have to play into them though

Could you repeat that please?

This guy wanted a Patreon for somebody to stalk me. WTF?

If you can't see the humor in that this sub really isn't for you Danny.

I don't think the government would allow Patreon to keep open a fundraiser for a stalker, Dan.

So why do you report Anthony tweets? Do you not see the humor?

Not even if I squint really really hard.

Are you using whataboutism as a debate tactic?

Again, if you can't see the humor in twitter-obsessed Anthony forced to retreat to his third string twitter handle, this sub really isn't for you Danny.

That's where you place importance? A blue checkmark? Ouch, pal.

I place importance on the tallest shelf in my kitchen you midget fuck.

That's what you got? I'm short?

I also got the ability to ride roller coasters.

Oh yeah? Well I can fly an F-35!

..if I knew how.

I wish you were flying a c-130 over Georgia

Dude you are really funny, maybe you should make a podcast to showcase how hilarious you are, thoughts?

You got nothing bro, you don’t make anyone laugh, you haven’t said one witty or funny thing, you threaten to report and shut down the sub, NOBODY, not one person likes you being here anymore. For some reason some assholes liked that you were spilling your Jew guts about some shit Ant did with some teenagers, but now even those faggots hate you. Your only purpose here is to be mocked, whatever tiny bit of respect you had is gone, your podcast sucks and will never be successful. Just go, go away. Jew faggot.

He's still hilarious.

You’re a fucking retard for thinking I was serious, and a fucking pussy for how you reacted to the imagined threat.

Aren’t you always offering to meet people face to face? Where’d that bravado go, you quivering heeb?

Oh he'll meet you, pussy. You've just gotta drop everything for a few days and GO FUCKING FIND HIM, BITCHFACE!!

You wanna grab a beer?

You wanna grab a beer?

U/1428elmstreet Be warned, when Erock and Travis didn't want to hangout with him after he got fired he decided to obsess over them, trash them online and even involve their wives. So I'd advise being his friend if you don't want any issues.

Is this all an elaborate plot to get more customers to the bar you work at?

Haven't tended a bar since 200..3?

Now you just beg for money on the internet. That’s even more pathetic.

Can you show me where I do that?

You frequently try to be funny but never succeed

What do you do for work? Just curious, from the outside looking in you appear to do absolutely nothing. Are you on disability, are you getting money from Israel for being a Jew, collecting unemployment? You waste your entire day fighting with people who hate you and you lose every argument. Let’s not forget, about 2 weeks ago you were begging that we listen to your shit podcast. You did an AMA! You thought you were “sub famous.” Look how far you have fallen, well not that high cause your a tiny little pussy, but you really thought you were hot shit around here and that’s the best part about the turning. For the record, I have always hated you.

Son. I would NEVER. EVER. Give this place ANY idea of my personal life.

I did an AMA because there were 100 Danny Ross threads.

Maybe I should do another. Pretty crowded in here.

You should do another, I would love to see how that goes. Maybe you’d get 6 patrons to follow your garbage podcast. And I’m just going to continue to assume you don’t have a job.

And I'll continue to assume you haven't listened to shit.

Listened to what? If you’re referring to your podcast you are right, I haven’t.

Arguing with you is not even fun. I also just realized how bad this mershcomic guy is shitting on you, you are really taking it up the ass the past week.

Exactly. Can't form an opinion on your own. What's that like?

Oh yes Mersh. The rider of the Bobo coattails. You got me. I'm hurting now.

I have plenty of opinions. One of the most prominent of which is that you suck at podcasting. You’re opinions are so meaningless you have 4 patrons and that number is dropping. You have raised $7. And yes as far as I can tell Mersh is shitting on you, that’s normally the outcome when someone cums in your gf. Please, now respond with another unfunny and misguided comment or failed analogy.

C'mon! That was another man's woman we're talking about. To cum in another man's woman is just the behavior of a less civilized man than myself. I came ON her, not IN her.


Makes sense you are a real man size, what girl would want to be with a man the size of a 14 year old

Also, his Patreon brings in $7 per month, whereas the one for my show added $34 in monthly pledges in the past 3 days.

Keep calling people "son." It makes you seem like you're the real head honcho here

Ok, pal.

Kill yourself.


U mad midget kike lol.

You are a fuckin weasel midget. 37 and spend all your time on reddit, you must feel so dead inside

Yet you match me post for post. Most of my inbox is you.

Danny’s gonna get that $5k from Ant some way or another.

Through the jap eye

He should’ve stuck to his old method of getting money from Ant. Putting on a dress and blowing the old man.

Jue Lightning

Danny GoL’Chaim

Pancake house needs publicity and allies. Fighting reddit will maybe let tranpa allow you to change his diapers, maybe.

i love all the usernames that come out of the blue that post danny love/hate. its like, where the fuck you come from?

they all talk like they leaders, use words like we. i know when they post that first 15-30 mins afterwords theyre hoping for comfort women to come along validate and pile on. only queers obsess and this website is full of them. and i hate your guts.

I love all the autistic faggots that actually recognize usernamess. Take your meds, lonely bitch boy.

What a sensitive, pocket-sized little kike he is.

The Jew is, essentially, female.

Didn't know what you posted but please don't get us banned by being a retard

did you think he was joking? he really buys into the hatespeech stuff

there's your secret to the "JEWISH CONSPIRACY", it's not a conspiracy, it's a set of rules and laws that, after they're established, any of them can pluck at any time to use to defend themselves. and they do so with vigor whenever they feel they need to, and the rest come running like rats to swarm the target

yea i know about this, that's the big brained version. >50% of the population are too low iq to process that, so you have to deal with simple things to rile them up.

Pls don't rock me bro

Through the jap eye

He should’ve stuck to his old method of getting money from Ant. Putting on a dress and blowing the old man.

I place importance on the tallest shelf in my kitchen you midget fuck.

Exactly. Can't form an opinion on your own. What's that like?

Oh yes Mersh. The rider of the Bobo coattails. You got me. I'm hurting now.

I have plenty of opinions. One of the most prominent of which is that you suck at podcasting. You’re opinions are so meaningless you have 4 patrons and that number is dropping. You have raised $7. And yes as far as I can tell Mersh is shitting on you, that’s normally the outcome when someone cums in your gf. Please, now respond with another unfunny and misguided comment or failed analogy.

I keep hoping somebody has something more to say than kike.