This sub needs more ass.

11  2018-05-04 by RBuddCumia


Not enough penis.

More Mrs. Landau

Is this really Dave Landaus wife? I see some cellulite, but she is not as bad as I expected based on some of these posts.

You’re better than this

Yes, I am. Dave Landau’s wife is not.


...but then you post a picture of a woman with no ass.

Truly baffling.

Are y’all kidding? This sub has raged about her ass before.

borderline flat

Talk to your doctor about low testosterone

I agree with you, sir. That is a fine ass.

What's her name?

Then post some ass you jackass


Between the glasses and the crack it might as well be my Dad. But I'm half as hard looking at it.

Cling peaches in heavy syrup.



CD cases

Is this an actual woman? You can never tell here

A dolphin returning to her natural habitat.

We talk about Jimmy plenty

Ass of a 7th grade boy, I’m an ass-man & this is not an ass.

Where is it?

You’re better than this