Danny's the only jew that could fit in an Easy-Bake oven

95  2018-05-04 by Single_Action_Army



Fawwkin buried that Jew sockcucka

Fawkin buried in a mass grave asumpthin

hailin victory like its a bus n shiznit

I'm going to remember that line, wait for the perfect opportunity, use it, and bask in the stolen valor.

His media carrier went nowhere so i seriously doubt he is a Jew.

But enough about Rich Vos

Jews shut down one of their own? That says it all.

Watch out he might report you for salty language

Nice try with the bake though.

More hate speech to kvetch about to the admins.

Dayumm, that's a short kike!

hed' be more at home in a Creeepy Crawlers tray

Just one more example for the Reddit Admins. Keep it up.

Danny is a stand up guy and awwlright with me.