
53  2018-05-04 by RBuddCumia


The linked tweet was tweeted by @AnthonyCumiacm on May 04, 2018 01:02:11 UTC (1 Retweets | 15 Favorites)

Can we please snap back to reality here?

Do we really want this abomination in the Governors mansion?

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Can he not just text his retard brother this shit? What's wrong with him, not that he's wrong, but what the fuck who cares.

Its almost as if he never learns

Knew this was coming

"Covfefe for cucks" = douchechills for you

Social media accounts that are 100% political themed might be the most hateable things on this planet.

Pretty much described @AnthonyCumiaCM!

Pretty much. But at least he doesn't have the shit in his name and profile pic. Those assholes don't leave any doubt why they got on in the first place.

comedians that have their twitter end up becoming 90% politics tweets are probably worse

I don’t want her in the Governors mansion either but that’s because he has no experience as a civil servant, she’s never served the people as a politician in any shape or form and is only using her celebrity to run for an office that she’s not prepared or quilfied for. But we all know that’s not what Anthony’s problem with her is. Especially considering he’s the biggest fanboy of our current celebrity president who had no prior experience.

Because that’s what she was!!!

dude thats some deep as fucking thoughts right there

Careful to use the specific term in the Bible used against gays. Get a thesaurus, faggot

Will he ever stop this mundane obsession?

Yeah an annoying TV personality would never be elected...

You faggots should stop taking nonsensical positions just to spite Ant. With all of the bullshit he spouts on a daily basis, you could focus on something that's not objectively correct.


Social media accounts that are 100% political themed might be the most hateable things on this planet.

Yes, and my point is you have an inexhaustible supply of stupidity coming from him each day besides the few times he's actually right. Instead of focusing on that, you're pretending some yaas queen dike who advertises her abortions shouldn't be mocked just because Ant did it first.

You really are a faggot with nothing going on in life, so reporting tweets makes you feel accomplished.

Hey look it's doesn't get the joke guy.

There's nothing even close to borderline to report, retard. 'Reported' is an ongoing bit. Fuck there are some dumb people here.

How's the Public Health Watch sub holding up, hero?

I can't even begin to fathom how big of an ass blasted faggot you are.

I'm sure you've spent several hours trying, though.

while jerking off, of course.

You don't exist to me you stupid fag, and it's hilarious how triggered I make you.

You exist to disappoint.

I don't remember who said this(probably more than one person), but Anthony isn't a conservative. He just hates liberals.

It was Ronnie B.

what's a salad? - Ronnie B

You don't make friends with salad.

Hey look it's doesn't get the joke guy.

There's nothing even close to borderline to report, retard. 'Reported' is an ongoing bit. Fuck there are some dumb people here.

How's the Public Health Watch sub holding up, hero?

Yes, and my point is you have an inexhaustible supply of stupidity coming from him each day besides the few times he's actually right. Instead of focusing on that, you're pretending some yaas queen dike who advertises her abortions shouldn't be mocked just because Ant did it first.