God I fucking love this sub.

187  2018-05-03 by RBuddCumia


hahaha I've been that excited

If opies in my garage he's been stuffed into a wall.

If Opie is in my garage, it’s because I locked him in there with the car running.

But that would kill him!

Nice literal stupid.

If Opie's in my garage, it's because I accidentally shot him in the face.

if Opie's in my garage he's mangled under the grill of my car

Like Stir of echoes.

I'm shooting his ass and using Castle Law as the defense.

Castle Doctrine...

They really have no idea do they? That tweet is like is the glsss of water in Jurassic Park.

That tweet is like is the glsss of water in Jurassic Park.

Well said, stupid.

Snake niggas on reddit and shit

The most embarrassing part is when the autocorrect fixed dlsss into "glass" and you had to take a few moments to drag your greasy thumb back to the first S you deliberately typed out, retype it to make a misspelled "interesting" reddit comment, and then your sorry, fat, lonely ass sat on the subway in whatever shitropolis you live in, and clicked on the submit button so that twelve neckbeards could read and comment on your intentionally stupid spelling.

Hey Ant

This tweet is like the glsss of water in Jurassic Park.

It’s one of them, probably Danny or Ant

Why does someone need an agenda to hate someone on the internet?

Idk hate away idc

Alright I hate you too and hope you die very soon.


Wow, you must have gone to graduate school, faggot.

Did you just describe yourself?

Isn't it amazing we live in an age that we can know your BMI is over 30 by the fact that you are triggered by this comment?

Isn't amazing we leave in a world where faggits say "triggered". Man you're a bigger fat fag than I thought

My dick bmi is over 30 for sure

I think he took something autistic that he would do and tried to project it to someone else. Like a closet homo that calls everyone a faggot.

No it was just a spelling mistake. Not embarrassing at all actually.

Why do you feel the need to defend yourself if it wasn't done deliberately?

He said mistake you stupid faggot.

Dumb phoneposter.

I know what you mean, Ive sometimes done it when it turns omw into On My Way! just because it looks gay and urgent, but seeing as there is no reason to change this, it is possible he was on a laptop or another phone that didnt have autocorrect, because like I said, there woul be no reason to either do or notice it

Why are all Aussies loud-mouthed, sanctimonious brainlets?

Live in a better country, stupid

Ayyy nyyye


Yo, you want dis 35mm film, nigga? Cuz you projecting.

This sounds like the ramblings of someone who would have 2.3k worth of tweets on his THIRD twitter account... Sad!


Dunder heads will find a way

Everyone here is foaming at the mouth for May 9th.

We're the suits, now.

We do not love the direction of the show!

There'll be no recordings made of overweight employees defecating under our watch, that's for sure.

There'll be no employees at all, come to think of it

Do you think The Worm and Liberal Sam will even attempt at riffing on Opie's assuredly disastrous show? Or is there a pending lawsuit they can use as an excuse.

I know Jim REALLY wants to, but he's too cowardly.

Opie will be living in someone’s garage soon enough I assure you.

Most likely Bam's

If @OpieRadio shows up IN your garage, let us know.

Unless you have a bathroom in your garage I wouldn't be concerned.

At least when Westwood One uses emojis they aren't sending people to obscurity.


If Jim Norton ends up sniffing your panties, let us know. ;)

Jim has never sniffed a pair of panties in his life since that would be mildly interesting

No, he liked to huff the ball-sweat of his Scandinavian shemale's panties. Sick freak. He loved the pheromones from that Norwegian nutsack.

Not to interrupt you gentlemen, but James admitted to paying guys to urinate in his mouth. That's a bit on the queer side if I'm offering my two cents. A bit fruity if I can be bold.

There are far more attractive(and probably cheaper) Norwegian trannies out there, but Jim likes them to be like Jaw's extra.

Opie is entertaining.

Those who deny it are lying to themselves.

he's entertaining....just never when he's trying to be

Kelsey is hot as a mug

I'd throw one in her shitter

Cringe, you're a faggot of epic proportions.

I fucking love

Stick to the default subs you overly emotional queer.

This sounds pretty emotional.

You sound a bit worked up.

Take a chill pill you silly goose.

When can we expect the first Westwood One show? Can't wait :)


Isn't it amazing we live in an age that we can know your BMI is over 30 by the fact that you are triggered by this comment?

I think he took something autistic that he would do and tried to project it to someone else. Like a closet homo that calls everyone a faggot.