You’re saying this isn’t “real showbiz”??

88  2018-05-03 by RBuddCumia


Who does this horrible artwork for the show? Does he actually pay someone for this?

Some old motherfucker who puts the same four obnoxious filters over every picture.

Not clear on whether he gets paid. He might just be a loser who gets a free subscription out of it.

I would imagine Keith still charges him, even if the guy doesn't subscribe.

hes offered him the deep discount of 10% tho dont say the keith man didnt do shit for the little people

The Keith man covers up the abuse and molestation of the little people to this day.

"Deep Discount" sounds like what Anthony does to children.

I believe they're going for an alcohol-induced psychosis look

I just can't fathom why they keep putting out this garbage.

The same guy that did the cool Brother Joe People's Court Judge profile pic.

Whoever it is, I think they're a TACN moderator or poster since that sub has this trash as their sidebar pics.

He should be shot for such awful work.

his piss yellow teeth are not endearing


I don't know if it's been said before, but Anthony Cumia is not an attractive man.

He appears to have a drinking problem.

This is the first I’m hearing about either of these issues.

Artie's head looks like it was posited on another body like when they make those "dancing Donald Trump" memes.

Looks like “Weekend at Bernies” Artie. It would make sense.

The GTA-V-loading-screen look. Is every stylistic choice informed by Rockstar?

That's generous. GTA:SA/IV is more like it.

Anthony Cumia's face looks like in-game GTA:SA

nah not enough polygons for Ant's deep facial scars or individually placed hair follicles

The loading art was great in all those games, you fuck.
Don't compare them to this shit.

Who sees these pictures besides us?

the NYPD child endangerment unit


Everyone involved in this picture should be executed.


Weekend at Artie's

Nobody will believe me, but this week's show's have been levels above previous months..

He appears to have a drinking problem.