Opie often declared he couldn’t stand the kids that interned that came from wealth.

48  2018-05-03 by RBuddCumia

He then proceeded to bash a poor old whore’s guitar and step on a homeless man’s cake.

A true defender of the poor and lower class.


opie just says what he thinks people want to hear

Which is not at all what people actually want to hear.

Which is in itself a contradiction.

Except for the only thing anyone wants to hear: I quit

I prefer the 80s evil "my dad will buy your favorite camping ground and turn it into a toxic waste dump" rich kids over the dress like and hang out with the homeless rich kids of today

At least you knew where you stood with those little bastards, am I right friend?!

Coming from a guy who's your book literally said he loved yacht and ski trips.

I'm convinced he says he was a caddy because he saw Caddyshack, and that he worked for the mob because he watched A Bronx Tale. Everything he says is a shitty imitation of someone else's opinion or something he watched but didn't understand. Hating on rich kids is just another thing he thinks poor people do because it was in every shitty 80s teen movie.

Sonny woulda found that fawkin blue comb

Poor people are faggots

Opie was irrationally mad at the intern that had rich parents, he threw a strawberry on the kids nice shoes.

Opie's kids should be hated by Opie using the same logic.

I get him though, rich kids are insufferable twats, especially ones doing "free" work because their parents told them to.

I work with one and I want to murder him on a daily basis. I am working on fucking his dumb wife tho.

Don't commit adultery, you won't go into heaven and life has a funny way of giving you shit for shitty deeds.

I work with a whole bunch of them btw. I want to murder them on a daily basis, especially as a basically have to work myself to death while they are complaining they aren't "feeling well" as they are out drinking every day. Fucking morons.

Nailed it.

Are you insinuating that karma is real, sir?

opie' 2 dunder heads kids will be just that

“Are they trying to act like she’s hot?” -Gregg “Opie” “Nigger” Hughes watching the Jack & Jill trailer

He's the only poor kid to go on ski trips and vacation at beach homes

Fuck i was "poor"

My fawkin mom bought those skinny fawkin oranges and broosed apples!