Anthony’s afternoon commute. Oh the stress.

37  2018-05-03 by SteveTech74


This sort of undercuts their whole argument of being "friends" to the homeless and not them using the homeless as freaks to laugh at.

I saw this 300 lb black guy on the Herald Square subway platform the other day with his pants pulled down around his knees. He had his dick out and was spinning around, pissing all over. It was hilarious

The hayseed tourists were in shock. Chances are they never saw a black guy up close, let alone an obese maniac spraying urine every which way.

That’s the last remnant of midtown charm. The streets above are (thankfully) quite safe, as is the city on the whole, so let the dick twirlers have their place.

Jews call dat diverse culture

What's hayseed slang for? Heebies?

Hick, country bumpkin, provincial, rube, yokel.

I hope the the last words he said that day were "I can't breathe".

Someone who isn't blocked report this tweet, seems pretty hateful to me.

I’m not from New York so I don’t understand the routines of public transportation, but is it common to dine in a fucking subway?

Regardless,if it is, it just sounds dirty.

"piece of cock"

That classic Cumia wit shining through once again.

Makes as much sense as "piece of cunt" and "sack of cunt." Who says that? Just nana Cumia.

He was thinking of his favourite snack.

What trash eats in a subway?

What trash eats at Subway?


It’s a massive train station—the busiest in the US, but your point stands. Why the fuck are you looking to eat in the station with literally hundreds of restaurants within an 8 block radius?

Walking more than two blocks takes more than 5 minutes. That's why.

He needs to eat and get home as fast as he can before the withdrawal hits.

A lot of those eateries also sell booze. So that’s probably what he was there for.

Tranth thinks he's a monocle wearing mother fucker. He is not a monocle wearing mother fucker.

how soon he forgets he was once shitting on the streets

With all the trouble he had getting podcast equipment into the city, he should understand toilets can be hard to come by for people who sleep on train tracks and subway grates.

sounds like this Aunty Coonie needs to do his part and allow the homeless access to his mouth and ass to make waste in/around.

He seems himself as this hard defender of the marginalized right and yet is a spoiled crybaby about the slightest inconvenience.

Also a trans huffing faggot.

He also has no problem sucking a cock if he has a tit to reach up and grab.

He'd probably be happier with a flat chest but then Joe Sr. would be 100% right

So Human Garbage got his license back but it still taking the LIRR to work? Let me take a wild guess and predict his "media empire" can't afford a limo driver or even employee parking.

Soooo, you are pro shitting in the street?

My GOD what a vile, hateful man! I'm of a mind to create a new account on this website just so I can warn the owners about THIS bad apple, and I hope GOOD, UPSTANDING people will join me!

It's no surprise this idiot with Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome doesn't know that the NYPD doesn't patrol NY Penn Station. That would be the MTA Police or the Amtrak Police Department.

Here's a nice example of them in action:

He's not wrong though

I mean if you're gonna switch "piece of dog shit" to something, why not go with "piece of dog cunt"? Does he think dog cunt is overused?

A drunk and angry old man.

I hope he is minding his business in Times Square and some black man comes up and asks to take a picture of him. Then I hope ant is raped by a horde homeless jiggaboos.

And it'll be HIS fault!

What a wordsmith

“White” trash millionaire still living anywhere near that cesspool of a city, you deserve the mugging you are so irrationally paranoid about.

Do people with power ever go to those places anyway?

What part of Manhattan does he go to? Area around Penn is crappy but after that it is pretty nice. Penn food options? Sushi and Crispy Cream is OK. Tracks is really good for Oysters and a couple of beers. Shake Shack is terrific...Lots of good choices

"They aren't people."

Who eats in Penn Station? How plebeian.

The same greasball idiot who bought his wedding ring in Penn Station.

Was he actually planning on a nice sit down meal in Penn Station?

That’s the last remnant of midtown charm. The streets above are (thankfully) quite safe, as is the city on the whole, so let the dick twirlers have their place.

Jews call dat diverse culture

What's hayseed slang for? Heebies?

I hope the the last words he said that day were "I can't breathe".