Things that Blow Bob Kelly's Mind: 1/however many things are healthy and/or conducive to weight loss

10  2018-05-02 by gregorio_ilidivich


At least one thing in that picture is blowing Patrice's mind.

Chill with that dude. He died ten years ago, try and show some respect. I hope your 500lb black comedian falls of a building and has a stroke. Not so funny now, is it?


"Falls of a building"? God really, fuck you

I'm sorry, the word I was going for was "off." I understand you read that and was like "Oh my God really? What does that mean? I'm so hopelessly confused that I am angry!" Basically I forget the "f" on reddit post comment.

Basically I was going for the word "off" not "of"...Sorry to have disturbed/confused you so greatly.


Go jump in a lake, dork

He’s so fat he recently had a “procedure”, but now all he talks about is wanting to do a bang bang which is also known as eating a meal after eating another meal. What the fuck...

Exactly what I opened up this to comment. I mean, holy fuck a whole second full meal? He must destroy bathrooms at home, and you know he can't wipe properly. The way he says it too, like oh, there's this really cool thing I do, I eat two full meals and then smoke a cigar.

I hope he dies soon